Chapter 1: Sec. Galvez

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I guess it's a bad idea sleeping late last night. I'm now awake but I feel so lost and dizzy. I still need to get ready for school, but damn I don't have the energy.

Man~ being a senior high school student must be a mad experience... I think...

If junior high's crazy, senior year is probably much worse.

Probably too much activities and all, I wish I could just fast-forward my life, skipping school.

As usual, I walked to the shower to get myself washed. I don't want to smell like a rotten egg. Don't want to disappoint the girls, that is.

The kitchen's already busy, I can hear cooking noises. Mom's probably making good food right now.

She never makes bad ones, love my mom for that.

How I admire my mom so much. She's a great mom. Taking care of me alone must have been hard, considering I'm a bit of a troublemaker.

As I finished taking a bath, I immediately went inside my room and dressed up. I'm a big fan of my new school's uniform because I've got multiple options.

I can either wear pants, shorts or skirt. Of course they got to add that. An all girls school can at least do this for the girls that are dudes at heart, or half of that. I mean, I'm one of the dudes so I'm thankful.

I decided to wear shorts today, since it's hot, and I'm much more comfortable with shorts, because it makes me feel like home.

"Law! Food's ready!" I heard mom shout, so I hastened my pace and went to the dining room.

"Mom, can I just eat at school?" I pleaded. If I eat here, I can't stroll around. It's not like I care, but I want to goof around before going to school first. I have to enjoy before hell begins!

"No can do young woman. I need to see that you're really eating. Breakfa-" I caught her off by finishing her sentence.

"Breakfast is the most important meal. Yeah mom, I get it." I can't really win, but at least I tried. I sat at the chair and eat my breakfast fast.

"Eat slowly will you. Don't worry, I'll drop you off to school so you don't need to shove the food in one go. You don't want to be late in your very first day." My eyes widened at that. I can't let her drop me off! Or else I can't goof around! That can't happen.

"Mom, no. It's okay. I have my bike with me you know. I don't want to bother you. I won't be late hehe." Mom looked at me suspiciously, before nodding her head. Yes! Hehe.

"Fine, I'll go now then. Clean this up before you go, you still have lots of time. Besides, your school's 20 minutes away, you still have 40." Mom said before kissing my forehead and waved goodbye. I heard her car leaving and with that, I immediately cleaned the table up and got my sling bag.

I went to the garage to fetch my bike, unlocked it and ride on it.

My bike's still brand new, mom bought me this bike along with our transfer to this neighborhood, and it's really useful! I love it!

I unlocked my bike and pedaled my way through the side of the road. I don't want to get hit by a car, and worry my mom.


A cool bike it is, but me as a driver is a bit lost.

I don't really know the streets here I'm just following the map that my mom drew for me.

Yep, this is all my fault for not tagging along when mom signed me up for my new school. Now I don't know what route I should take.

I'm also not sure about the sketch my mom made. Let's just say she's not that artistic. She loves art but art doesn't love her.

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