Dear Love

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Hope you are doing well. Happy 3rd week workyversary to you. It feels so strange to miss you besides me . I miss you as soon as I wake up. I miss those good morning texts . I miss sharing our getting ready selfies . I miss you throughout the day . I miss watch party' with you . I miss having tea with you . I miss those silly fights we had . I miss those little virtual cuddles sessions. I miss the hugs before the sleep . I miss the good night texts from you. I miss you in my dreams . I miss you everywhere I go.  I miss you on the streets. I miss you a bit more on the beach . I miss you when I eat something that's your favourite. I miss you when I see what we saw together. I miss you when I listen to songs . I miss you even when I stay silent . And this cycle keeps on repeating itself.
I miss you. I miss our love . I miss us . I miss our zippy . Where are they all gone now ? Missing them makes me miss a part of me . Missing you makes me miss the whole of me.  Just wanted to tell you. I'm sorry ...'my baby' - if I could still call you so . Still . My fingers go automatically to type "our happy days together are here ❤️" . I hope someday everything will change like we always wanted it to be . Those days feels dreamy now . I wish those dreams come true. Now to forever.

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