Part 4

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Nicholas's POV

Shelsie lingered in my thoughts long after our encounter, her presence becoming a constant distraction in my mind. It was difficult to shake the anticipation of when I might see her again. There was something about her that intrigued me deeply; her eyes held a depth that seemed to conceal a multitude of stories waiting to be unraveled. The connection I felt with her was immediate and undeniable, unlike anything I had experienced before. I found myself yearning to unravel the mystery of who she was and what secrets lay behind her enigmatic gaze.

Her image danced behind my eyelids, her presence lingering in the air like a tantalizing fragrance. I couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity that gnawed at me, driving me to seek her out once more. With each passing moment, the desire to unravel the complexities of Shelsie's character grew stronger, fueling my determination to uncover the truth behind her captivating allure.

After leaving the building where I encountered Shelsie my doll, my mind was still consumed by thoughts of her. Sliding into my 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon, I revved the engine and sped down the highway, the roar of the sports car echoing around me. As I arrived back at Johnsons Construction headquarters, I made my way to my office, sinking into my chair and immersing myself in memories of our encounter.

 As I arrived back at Johnsons Construction headquarters, I made my way to my office, sinking into my chair and immersing myself in memories of our encounter

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Shelsie was truly captivating—standing at around 5'8", she possessed a slender yet shapely figure, with deep brown skin that seemed to glow in the sunlight. Her hair framed her face in soft waves, drawing attention to her almond-shaped eyes that held a hint of seduction. She exuded an aura of intelligence and confidence, effortlessly commanding attention wherever she went.

Lost in my thoughts, I was abruptly interrupted by the entrance of my assistant, Bella, barging in as usual. With a sigh of frustration, I braced myself for her usual banter. Bella, a white Hispanic of Cuban descent, often boasted about her heritage despite never having set foot in Cuba herself. Standing at 5'6" with brown hair highlighted by streaks of color, she frequently wore a revealing office attire, a stark contrast to her supposed professionalism.

While Bella's presence grated on my nerves, I typically paid her little mind, finding her personality to be boring and her need for gossip irritating. Cutting her off mid-sentence, I instructed her to compile the contact information and work addresses of everyone who attended the recent meeting. Despite her confusion, I dismissed her inquiries, emphasizing that the task did not concern her and requesting the information as soon as possible.

As Bella departed to fulfill my request, I busied myself with approving construction sites and attending to business emails. Thirty minutes later, she returned with a sheet filled with contact details, and my eyes immediately sought out Shelsie's information. Expressing approval, I dismissed Bella to attend to other tasks, eager to be left alone with my thoughts of the mysterious woman who had captured my attention.

Few hours have passed

Leaving the office, I found Bella once again attempting to leave at the same time as me. Despite my protests, she insisted on walking together to her car, which she always parked in the furthest and darkest area of the parking lot. I couldn't understand why she persisted in putting herself in potential danger when there were safer options available.

During our walks, Bella would make awkward attempts at small talk, probing about any "new" developments in my life or plans for the weekend. I responded with minimal words and a nonchalant tone, eager to escape her company as quickly as possible. As we reached her car, I hurriedly bid her farewell, ignoring her gratitude as I retreated to my own vehicle. Despite my repeated assertions that I had no interest in her, Bella seemed oblivious to my lack of enthusiasm.

As I drove back to my apartment, thoughts of Shelsie flooded my mind once more. Her luscious lips, the way she nervously bit them—each memory brought a smile to my face. Interrupting my reverie, my phone buzzed in my pocket, displaying "Devon brother" on the screen. Answering the call, I greeted him with a casual "Wassup, Dev."

Devon proceeded to update me on the progress of a site he had visited after the meeting, but I found it difficult to focus, offering only distracted responses. Sensing something is up, Devon pressed me further, and I assured him that everything was fine.

Before I could finish my sentence, Devon cut me off, teasingly suggesting that I was thinking about Shelsie. Rolling my eyes, I denied it, but Devon's laughter echoed through the phone, HAHAHHA you'r so fucking bad at lying dev shrieked,  "shut the fuck up" I shouted back. Dev starts to sing Nico and Shelsie sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I ~Nico hangs up his taunting words lingering in the air even after I hung up.

Arriving at my North Miami skyscraper apartment, I contemplated reaching out to Shelsie. However, the thought of simply sending a text felt anticlimactic—I wanted her to feel special. Lost in thought, I spent the rest of the night pondering what to do for my doll.

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