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Eventually, the day of 'Farewell Party' arrived. In the morning, Mariya and Rumaisa, sitting on the same couch in the lounge were casually talking about the Farewell Party. As their conversation continued, Rumaisa said, "Mariya... You know that an after party will also take place after the official one... What do you think? Should I attend it Or not??.... " Mariya Smirked and replied, "If you love your life and really wants to marry Ubed bhai, then dare not to attend that one... "

Rumaisa slapped her cheeks a few time with little power, giggled slightly and then asked, "And this Ubed came from where??... " Along with a slight laughter, Mariya replied, "First tell me why are you being violent?? If you slap me again, I'll no more restrain myself.... And the mention of Ubed bhai is crucial to stop you from attending that after party... If 'Baba' finds out about it he'll kill you and this place will become more a prison than a house for me.... "

As Mariya was spitting these words, both the girls laughing, a strong and heavy voice intruded them, "What my Daughters are doing here.. Sitting alone.. Laughing and smiling.. Whats the matter girls... Are you hiding something from me.. Hmmm... " His smiling face was witnessing his teasing tone....

Mariya and Rumaisa spoke simultaneously, "Baba.... " They looked at each other once so as to confirm that their conversation wasn't heard by their father and then ceased their gazes on the old man and continued, "When did you came??.. " He replied in a serene tone, "Just a few minutes ago.. But what are you two doing sitting here alone all by yourselves??... By the way, where's your mother, she told me that she has made kheer. Sohail asked for some. When I mentioned about it , while we were talking in his house he asked me to bring some for him. Call your mother Or just ask her to pack so.... "Before he could finish his sentence his phone rang, 'Sohail Ilahi', written on its screen...

He picked his call as soon as he saw his name on the screen. The person on the other end of the call said, " Bhai, when will you bring the kheer?? Your bhabhi has left for her mother's . She won't return before a week Or two as it has been a while since she last gone there, so I won't be able to eat  home-made dishes."
Abdur Raheem sahab replied, "yes bhai I'll be coming in ten minutes .. Rubina is packing... " He ended the call and headed to the kitchen to get the packed kheer for his friend.....


While her father was on the call, Mariya headed to the kitchen to pack the kheer, on the other hand Raisa closed her eyes, laid on the couch and lost in the dilemma, 'Whether to go to the after party Or not'..

He looked here and there and then asked Mariya, " Where's your mother?? "She turned to look at her father and replied, " Baba.. Ammi had a little fever this morning so I don't want her to bother... Baba.. Actually today i made the kheer... I think you should taste it first.... "

His eyes shooted with anger he replied with an annoyed tone, "Who asked you to make the kheer??... What if it does not tastes good?? What would I tell Sohail??.. Should I tell him that my daughter made this and this is a total disaster??....What to say to your mother.. If she really wanted her daughter to cook then she should've
teach them first.... "

While listening to his words, Mariya thought, 'Why is it only me who got scolded even if I tries to do something good?? To impress everyone?? To make them happy??.... Oh Baba your words are digging a hole in my chest... A hole in my heart.... You should be Proud of me that i made the kheer all by myself, you should praise me and here... Here you're scolding me instead.. Oh Baba I love you so much, please don't scold me like this..I dont want to hate you... And what's the mistake of Ammi in all this?? Why always me and Ammi??...Ya Allah... Please give me patience.. '

As soon as he finished scolding her, she sniffed a few time, her face crimson, she spoke, "Baba, just for once.. Just give it a try.. I-I offered it to bhai and he liked it.. He praised me.. I think you should also give it a try... "

She sniffed again. Her father snatched the spoon from her hand and soon filled it with some kheer from which the smell of saffron and cardamom were diffused around the whole Environment....

After the first bite, he took another, then another, and then two more bites. 'I think he like it...he's eating it without a break. Humara.. Now Baba will definitely praise you....'

Her father finally had his last bite. And after cleaning his face he spoke up, "Beta.. My child did you really made this?.. " Her eyes looking right into her father's , she spoke confidentially, " Ji Baba.. '

He replied while caressing her head,"Alhamdulillah... My daughter's a blessing.. I cant believe a sixteen year old made such a delicious kheer.. Beta, my love.. Your cooking skill is same as your mother... I'll tell Sohail that my younger daughter made the kheer.. He will definitely praise you... He really likes kheer.. "

Both the daughter and the father shared the brightest laughter of the day and Mariya ,in lost somewhere while smiling thought, 'This is why I would never hate you Baba... He says words that really hurts but the next moment hr pour all his love in my lap which makes me love him more... '

While she was lost in her thoughts her father intruded her, " Humara.. Pack dome fir Sohail uncle.. " While patting her head he added, " He called me a while ago.. I have to leave soon.. "She noded and packed some kheer in a mid-sized glass container, enough for a family of four, and spread some dry fruits on the tip for garnishing and gave it to her father.

As he left the kitchen, she smiled and ran toward her parents room to tell her mother the whole incident.....

Hey guys.. Hope you're all well...
Hope you like this part

Mariya really loves her father...
But he's kinda person with anger issues...

However he loves his daughters so much....

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