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It has been three weeks since that incident, Mariya who has totally forgotten that incident was swamped in preparing her chart project given by the most dangerous teacher, Mrs. Amina. So as the other students.

Commerce students were given an assignment file that agitated Rumaisa as she's kind a lethargic, she used the whole two weeks for her rest and convenience and commenced to work on the assignment only on the weekend before the submission day, which in Monday.... And she had to work till almost previous night in order to conclude them. While on the other hand Mariya had already finished hers long ago. But what was she doing last night??? Nothing just assisting her beloved sister in her assignment.

As always Mariya and Rumaisa reached the school just before a moment the bell rang. Mariya's classroom was at the second floor of the main building so she managed to got inside before the bell easily. While Rumaisa's was at the fourth floor. She ran like a cheetah to reach the class before the bell. When she reached her classroom, a tall figure of a guy was visible standing outside the classroom entrance. She knows him. Of course he's her classmate since Vth standard. 'But why is he standing there like a fool?? Why not going inside??'

"Hey Hamza... Have you finished your assignment?? ", said Rumaisa. He nodded his head in 'yes'. Rumaisa further added, " But why are standing here?? Let already head inside... "  He stood still for some time and opened his mouth after a pause, " Just some reason..  You may enter first... "He let her to enter first and headed inside after the bell rang. As he entered the classroom with both his hands inside his trouser's pocket a sweet voice grabbed his attention, " Huh... Good Morning Mr. Hamza Shah. Mind to close the door?? It has been more than four weeks passed since the school has been opened, and you're breaking your own record to reach only after the bell, every single day..... And of course, like always you'll tell me the same excuse, right??..." , Mrs.Gupta groaned. Apoorva Gupta, she was the class teacher of class XIIth-C2. She teaches 'Business studies'. She was a very kind teacher, she hardly get furious. A beautiful women in her 30's  with a warm heart.

Hamza, a hard expression on his face, replied, " Ma'am, I've told you that this is because of some personal reasons, which I'm not able to tell anyone... Please let me have my seat..." His eyes shifted towards Yusuf and Ibrahim. His best buddies. Hamza and Yusuf are friends since Vth standard. However Ibrahim is his relative. Yusuf and Ibrahim were laughing  unspecifically, however they knows very well that  what that unspeakable reason is........ While Hamza's word left a perplexed expression in Rumaisa's face.

"Firstly, tell me where's your assignment? " Asked Mrs. Gupta. Hamza, with a smirk on his handsome face replied, " So..where should it be??... "

In the teacher's eyes anger was evident. Hamza further added, "Of course it's in my bag."  The teachers ordered him, "Bring out yours and collect everyone's assignment and take round to the staff room. And place them on the desk near the lockers. " Hamza replied in a frustrated tone, "Ma'am ... But why me??... "
"It's a punishment.. Do as I  asked you. " Said the teacher.

Hamza  set his belongings near his desk at the bench in the last row , left to Ibrahim's and right to Yusuf's.
The beach in the last row, yes this is the very reason why Hamza delayed going inside the class room. And this is the very reason which he can't tell the teacher....
He collected the assignment files and headed forward to his way to the staff room.


Class XI -B-1, First period

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