Yellow Milkshake??

5 2 8

South Main St

Middletown, Connecticut

Dorian: *getting ready for bed*

Milkshake Woman: Hey, boy! Want this yellow milkshake?

Dorian: Yellow milkshake?

Milkshake Woman: Yes, try it!

Dorian: Is it lemon?

Milkshake Woman: No, it's just yellow! Are you gonna try it or not?

Dorian: I'll pass. I have to get some sleep.

Milkshake Woman: I'll melt, if you don't try the yellow milkshake! I went through all that trouble just to make it!

Dorian: Go ahead and melt then!

Milkshake Woman: *melts*

Dorian: Sheesh! I hate the fictional realm! *turns off the light, climbs into his bed, and sleeps*

This story was written on Monday, April 29th, 2024.

A/N Yellow milkshake?? Hmm I don't know..... 👀 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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