Inner Critic Got Owned

8 2 7

Cromwell Pizza Restaurant

Main St

Cromwell, Connecticut

Inner Critic: I ordered a pepperoni pizza! This is sausage and anchovies!

Waiter: Sir, you criticized my writing! I'm a waiter by day, writer by night!

Inner Critic: I was just being honest!

Waiter: Just shut up and eat!

Inner Critic: As you wish! I wasn't trying to be rude!

Mysterious Clown: *takes IC's pizza and walks out*

Inner Critic: Someone stop that clown!

Customers: *ignoring IC*

Waiter: *ignoring IC*

This story was written on Friday, April 26th, 2024. (Arbor Day)

A/N Inner Critic got owned by the waiter!!! That's a slap in the face! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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