Something beautifull

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I wish there was something beautiful to remember,
Something true that touches my heart so very tender.

Something soft like a summer breeze,
The grass underfoot and the buzz of the bees.

How can life tear one child so hard?
Stretch over cold and unkind cement yard.

To find my beauty into the wilderness I went,
And as I got deeper, I thought; "Here I shall nicely my life spend!"

I threw away the jacket of worries,
Untied the shoelace of hurries.

The air of green filled my lungs,
And finally felt how fast blood in my veins runs.

This was my place, here I belong,
I let my scaly old skin fall, that was very outworn.

My mind I already made and in the earth I set my roots,
I declared my state and damned whoever disapproves.

My body felt heavy, and on the ground, I laid to rest,
My soul was finally free like a sinner who was blessed.

As the days went by and the time started to fade,
The earth colored me with flowers and moss, giving a coat of many shade.

As I laid there watching the blue of the sky,
It came to my perception, I wasn't the only one who on this land has come to lie.

A silvery stream of hair, like a river, laid on my face,
As a woman of late summer came to rest in my mossy chest of hays.

She cried and let her tears fall on me,
Bitter and salty, asking; "What am I to be?"

Under the ground, that has become my flesh,
I felt something warm, so new and so fresh.

Like a thousand butterflies captured in the rooty ribs,
I felt something moving and a smile rising to my lips.

She touched my heart like once I wished,
Lost was this woman whose beauty I have missed.

Her gaze was not sharp, and gone were days of early springs,
Faint furrows lined her eyes like delicate annual rings.

I knew this woman, I knew her from the past,
She was like me, we were molded from the same cast.

Around her shivering body, I wrapped my arms so very warm,
Making sure no person nor misery shall ever make her harm.

I undressed her endless sadness and everlasting fears,
Wiped her cheek and took away all of her tears.

As she fell deeper and deeper into the ground of mine,
I assured her that everything was fine.

Wordless were her words as she told about her pain,
Cold and piercing it was, like frozen icicle rain.

But too long the pain and fear couldn't keep a hold,
The moss started to cover her like evergreen fold.

There we laid in the warmth of mother so beloving,
Feeling the highest form of eternal belonging.

The bees were buzzing, and the wind was tender,
Us laying there was something so very beautiful to remember.

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