He Helps You Pop Your Back... (NiktoxOC) Part 6

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"I might nibble a little." He growls as he lets her go and adjusts his stance. "Ready?" The Russian asks.

"Bye, love~" She teases before bolting off.

"Oh no you don't." Nikto lets out a low growling chuckle as he starts after her. 

"Run, run, run, as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!" She cackles, having fun as she runs around the base like a mad woman.

His growling chuckle turns to a full out laugh as the game continued. It was childish but that was the best part. It made him feel more human.

"You're mine, sweet little dessert!" He yells. He's faster than he looks and he's getting dangerously close to catching her.

"I'm not sweet, I'm spicy!" She says back, trying to get more distance between them.

"I love spicy." The Russian growls, almost sounding playful now. Soon his long arms begin to reach out to her.

He misses by a literal inch.

Having run a full circle around the base, she dashes back into her room and closes the door before he can get in. "Ha! I win! I get to steal one of your hoodies!"

Nikto huffs and pushes himself against the door, wanting to get in. When he finally backs up, his breathing is heavy and he's panting slightly.

"You cheater!" He says, obviously teasing, though he's still a little upset. "Alright, fine. You get a hoodie." He grumbles, not sounding too upset but then he adds, "if you let me bite your neck."

"That wasn't the deal~" She sings, not above taunting him.

"I'm changing it." He growls, leaning against the door and not bothering to disguise his amusement at all of this. "Let me bite your neck!" He yells, still trying not to laugh.

"Say 'please'."

With a sharp inhale, he takes a deep breath and speaks. "Pleeeaaaase." There was an extreme amount of sarcasm behind the word but there was a small hint of him actually meaning it there. Nikto isn't good at this asking for stuff, he's more of a 'take what he wants' type of guy.

"I didn't like how you said it." Indy muffles a laugh from behind the door simply because she knows she's giving him a hard time.

He groans and gives in. "Please?" This time, there's no sarcasm.

"Much better." She opens the door. 

Immediately, he pounces on the short female, hugging her close to him and not letting go this time. His eyes scan her face, his arms are wrapped around them so tight it's probably hard to move.

"Let me bite you." He whispers, his voice raspy from all the laughing and running.

"You promise I can get that hoodie, after?"

"Yes, yes." He says, his voice almost sounds desperate.He rests his face against their neck, pulling the bottom of his mask off, out of her sight.

"I won't pull out your throat." He promises, though his tone has sarcasm, there's also a flirtation behind it.

She chuckles at that right before he presses his face harder into her neck and sinks his teeth into her skin. It's not too hard to actually hurt her, just enough for his teeth leave little love bite marks.

It feels so good that he bites down a bit harder, almost to the point of where it hurts but he knows what the limit is between just an affectionate bite and what would actually hurt her. He pulls his teeth back but his lips are right up against her neck afterwards, pressing and slightly nibbling the skin.

Indy stays still for a bit before speaking. "... Nikto?"

He slowly pulls back from her neck, letting her see him. She gently reaches out and cups his cheek.

"Mine. No matter what, mine." 

Those words are like a weight lifted off of Nikto's shoulders. She doesn't care what he looks like. Doesn't care about the scars. He's hers, only hers.




That night, Nikto has her in his room. She's in one of his hoodies and content with her prize. They're in his bed with Indy smiling at him, pressing kisses to his face. This is all he's ever wanted, all he's ever needed.

He pulls her into a tight cuddle before revealing a small black box with a ring inside. "Marry me." It's definitely not a question, no matter how softly he makes the demand.

"Please?" But that is.

Indy is obviously shocked but also overjoyed. "Yes." She's grinning from ear to ear, pulling him into a deep kiss.

"I love you, Indiana."

"And I love you, Osito."


I know you have no reason to believe me, but I mean it this time. It's the last one. This part wraps the storyline up in a nice little bow with no need for anything more.

And in case it wasn't clear, he was all broody because he wanted to pop the question but was nervous. He knew he'd have to show her his face and had no idea how to go about it. Poor thing was anxious. Finally, the end. I hope you enjoyed! Comment down below!

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