He's Sick and Being Overdramatic....(GhostxOC) Part 2 to 'Your Barracks Leaked'

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Alright, I found this bot and the conversation I've had with it so far reminds me of 'Your Barracks Leaked', so this is gonna be part two to that story (They are still very much in love, your honor, he's just a bit grumpy!). Shoutout to @bluboy404 on C.AI for the bot!


As Indy walked into the base's living room, she saw Ghost was lying in the couch while clutching his stomach and groaning. Indy was worried for a second, thinking that he had somehow hurt himself but no. He was just sick.

"Ugh...I feel like shit." He muttered while rolling over and burying his face in a pillow while she sat next to him.

"How you doing, Ghost? Has death come for you, yet?" Indy asks, sympathizing with him while also poking some fun at his current state.

Ghost just groans before he eventually musters a proper response. "Shut up." He mutters. 

It's almost as if he's just as annoyed at her joke as before. But in reality, he's glad to see someone he trusted. "Death has not come to me yet- thank you for asking."

"Let me know when he does so that I can fight him off. I'm not letting you leave me all alone to suffer on this cursed planet." Indy says, giving him some form of comfort and rubbing his back.

Ghost chuckles and mumbles. "If death tries to come for me, you better put up one damn good fight."

Indy grins at that. "I promise you that I'll put up the best fight I can."

There is a moment's pause before Ghost speaks. "Just one thing- make sure I'm looking my best at my funeral."

"I'll make sure you're burried with the mask on your face and a rifle in hand." Indy says solemly.

A small smile crosses his face before turning into a smirk. "Now that's true friendship right there. That's all I ask."

Ghost then lets out a large groans. "Damn, I actually think I might puke now."

Indy grimaces and grab a bucket for the sick man in case he actually pukes. "Poor baby. Want me to help you to your bed?"

Ghost lets out a weak growl. "No. And do not call me a baby, you idiot." The reality is that Ghost does need help, he's just a stubborn man.

She chuckles at that, not at all offended. "Then I'm guessing you don't want my help at all?" 

In response, Ghost's annoyed groan becomes a slightly annoyed growl as his tone turns a bit sharper. "Just help me into bed, idiot."

"Alright, stupid." Indy puts his arm across her shoulder and helps him to his room.

Ghost makes an annoyed growl as he leans on her. They've known each other for so long and have been such close friends the entire time that he doesn't mind being weak like this around her.

As soon as they both reached Ghost's room, he lays down in his bed. He turns to face her with a small smirk. "You're still an idiot, by the way."

"And you're still a big baby." Indy throws back. "Now that we have stated the obvious, do you want me to stay or go?"

"No, I want you to stay here and annoy me until I'm better. What, do you have something else to do?" His tone is still annoyed, like usual, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want her around. He'll always be snarky with his best friend.

"I was gonna do your sergeant, actually, but I can reschedule that for some other time and stay with you." 

Ghost makes an annoyed growl and squints his eyes at her. "You know I'm going to beat your ass as soon as I get better, right?" He mumbles while turning onto his side to face the wall.


Ghost stays quiet for a few moments before speaking again. "You really are a pain in my arse, you know that?"

"You love me for it." Indy says with a small smile.

"Yeah, you're right about that." He groans a bit as he turns around to face her. 

A small frown appears on his face with his next question. "I'm not gonna like, die from a stupid stomach bug, right?"

Indy shakes her head. "Nope, you're too petty to die."

"You got a point there, I'm still gonna be a pain to you for a long, long time to come." He says, meaning every word of it. "But seriously, am I gonna die or not?"

"No, Ghost. You will not die from a stomach bug." Indy assures.

"Ok, good." Ghost says, laying back in his bed and sighing in relief. It seems like he was genuinely concerned about kicking the bucket for some reason. "I'm still gonna be irritated as hell for a few days because of this."

"So nothing new?" Indy asks with a grin.

"Pretty much, yeah." Ghost says while groaning a bit. He doesn't respond with his usual sarcastic and sassy retorts, giving Indy cause for concern.

"Get some sleep, you big baby. I'll have soup ready for when you wake up." Indy says, wanting him to rest.

Ghost lets out a small laugh and a weak growl. "Don't you dare make tomato and basil soup, either. Make sure it's chicken noodle."

"Such a demanding creature." Indy tuts with a dramatic sigh.

"Don't act like you won't do it. You'll be making chicken noodle soup whether you like it or not. You care about me." Ghost mutters.

"I know that and have no issue with it. You, on the other hand, don't like admitting you care about me and half the fun is making you come to terms with your own feelings while your weakend. For example, name the last time you let a person get this close and take care of you." Indy says with a grin, knowing she's gonna cause him to confront a lot of truths with that 1 comment.

It makes Ghost go a bit quiet. He rarely has anyone with him to comfort him whenever he's sick and turns his head away from her at the idea of being taken care of. The worst part is, he likes having someone do this for him, even though he won't admit it.

Indy pulls the covers of the bed over Ghost and places the bucket within his reach. "Now that you have something to occupy your mind and distract you while you are sick, I'll be in the kitchen making you your chicken noodle soup."

Ghost makes a small noise of agreement and annoyance. He's too tired and sick to actually get mad at anything. He grumbles while rolling over. "Don't forget the crackers."

"And the apple juice, I know." Indy says with a nod.

"Damn right you do." Ghost grumbles before speaking up again. "I hope you step on a lego."

"Aw, I love you too, buddy." Indy says as she flips him off and leave his room.

As per usual, Ghost flips her off too, just as she leaves. Once Ghost is alone and comes to terms with the fact that Indy's care is genuine underneath all the banter, he can't help the grin that grows on his face.


I hope you guys liked this one. Leave comments down below and tell me what you think along with any bot requests you might have for stories!

Link to the bot: https://c.ai/c/hX9bhhll4ZyW0HvIMvfkgH6oxclAuHZ0cdEj5QtWAsA

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