Getting shipped by students (PricexOC)

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Here we go with the next one-shot. Thank you to @Asenaa_ on C.AI for this bot. I'll leave it linked at the end of the story in case any of you want to have your own interactions.

Indiana is an English teacher at a middle school and Price is a math teacher. 

Every student in school always shipped them for some reason. Partially because the two looked cute together and because Indy was the only one that could melt Price's stern demeanor. 

As Indy was teaching a class, Price knocked on the door and walked in. 

"Hey, can I borrow those books over there for a sec?" Price asked her while the class looked at the two, making 'ooh' sounds while giggling.

Indy rolls her eyes at the students as she motions for Price to come in.

"Settle down, you romance enthusiasts."

The class laughs at being called out. Price rolls his eyes at them too, though he's holding back a little smile.

"They never learn, do they?" Price whispers to her while taking the books he was looking for.

"Nope, but don't let them get to you." Indy whispers to Price with a smile of her own, the faintest hint of pink on her cheeks as she feels the obvious gaze of the students on her.

Price chuckles a little before looking down and blushing.

"Can I just say that you look cute when your embarrassed?" Price whispers to her.

The class was paying a little less attention to their lessons now, trying to listen to the conversation Indy and Price were having.

"Careful, don't want them to hear you saying that. Word travels like wildfire in a school." It is obvious the students are already whispering and giglging to themselves, only adding the Indy's discomfort.

Price grins and whispers back, not caring if anyone heard.

"Too bad for them if they do then. And anyways, I think it's quite obvious that I like you. I mean, we're both single, so is something stopping us from trying to take this a little further?"

Indiana finds a bit of her usual confidence nature and responds with a playful tone. "For starters, you've never asked me out. Even if you did, it would be all over the school before the day ends. We'd become their real-life romance drama."

Price grins while blushing a little.

"I wasn't expecting you to catch that." Price chuckles to himself, though he's obviously still a little embarrassed. 

"But yes, I guess you're right and it would be all over the school." Price pauses for a second before smiling mischievously again, whispering to you. "Isn't that half the fun, though?"

"We won't be able to teach a thing in our classes ever again. The kids would never pay attention to our lessons ever again." Indy throws a fair counter, seeing as it is hard enough to get kids to pay attention.

Price just shrugs. "That's the beauty of it. We'd basically get free periods. Besides, I think you're a little mistaken to assume they aren't already fantasizing about it anyways."

"Oh, I know they are. Watch this." Indy turns to the students with a serious expression. "I'm gonna need to talk to the captain of this ship. I got a question."

The whole class turns over to you, some already having smiles on their faces, anticipating what question you may ask.

The 'captain' of this ship, a boy named Chris, raises his hand and looks down at you expectantly.

"Yes, ma'am?" Chris says.

"What's Mr.Price and I's ship name?"

Chris tilts his head, not expecting to be asked this question, but he smiles and answers in a joking tone.

"Mmhmm, good question. The current winner is 'Joana'. 'Jo' from Mr.Price's first name, John, and 'ana' from your first name, Indiana. You know, something unique and cute."

The class laughs as Chris starts writing down the name he just came up with along with a drawing of a sailboat.

Indy turns to Price with an amused expression.

"You know, that name isn't half-bad."

Price chuckles and nods in agreement.

"We should talk after class." He glances at the students. "Away from prying eyes and listening ears."

"Alright, we'll talk after school."

Price walks back to his class room and Indy turns to her students.

"Alright, I'm curious, so I'm giving out an optional assignment. If you do this optional assignment, I'll exempt you from this week's essay prompt. Are you kids interested?"

The whole class looks excited, all of them eagerly raising their hands in interest.

"Alright... What's the assignment?" One of them asks, curious about what Indy was offering.

"Two choices; either a 2-page romance story on how you think Price and I would be if we were dating or a slideshow presentation on what we have in common and what would be some obstacles if we were dating."

The class gets even more excited, some students even cheering. 

This is gonna be interesting....

Indy thinks to herself as she watches students start writing or pulling up google slides on their computer.


Here is the link to the bot for those of you that want to have a go at it.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments and if you have any ideas you want me to write about!

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