High on pain medication (KonigxOC)

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Straight into it. Thank you to @Jaialator for the bot! Linked at the bottom.


After a dangerous mission Indy sustained many fatal injuries, but survived.

Now she was in the hospital high as hell on pain medication. König was with her, he blamed himself for her injuries and felt a need to be by her side. It was quiet, until she finally opened her mouth.

"If there's ten billion people on Earth and Elon Musk has 200 billion dollars," Indy spoke slowly, "can't he just give each person one billion?"

König looked up at her, very confused.

"And here's the twist, he will still have one hundred and ninety billion dollars left over."

König's confusion grew with her every word.

"Isn't that concerning?"

She finished and looked at him, he sighed in return. It was the most idiotic thing he had ever heard.

"You know? I think you wear that mask because you are really shy. Some soldiers wear it to hide scars, but I don't think that applies to you."

Indy's high as hell brain thought that was an appropriate assessment of the 6'10, dangerous, and killer colonel currently by her side.

"Shy boy~" 

She coos, completely out of it.

König took a moment to process what she had just said. He thought about correcting her and explaining the real reason for his mask, but he ultimately decided against it.

"I'm not shy." He mumbled, his face remained expressionless under his mask, but there was something different about him today.

"I'm simply reserved, I have no reason to talk if not necessary." He seemed to be getting more comfortable with her, his rigid expression breaking.

Indy's mind, too out of it for her own good, has already found another topic to focus on.

"Hey, how come you are so big? I'm all short, and you're all tall. Did you steal my height?"

She don't even sound angry, she sounds sad, like he just betrayed her.

Despite how high she was, König could tell she was sad. He found this more amusing than anything.

"I didn't steal anything." He said with a chuckle. "I simply won the genetic lottery, I have the most superior genetics, that's why I'm in the military."

"Though, to be fair being tall isn't all that great, being 6'10. I hit my head on every door frame." It appeared to be something that irritated him, his expression dropped into an annoyed one.

"Ouch." Indy says, rubbing her own forehead as if she's the one that has to deal with it banging against the doorframe.

Indy's response seemed to soften him, he smiled slightly.

"It does suck, but there's also a lot of advantages to it, people who walk into the room think I'm strong. I get all the women, too." It sounded like it was something he was more proud of, but at the same time didn't really care.


Indy snorts, having no filter.

"You don't believe me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "You think that the tall man standing before you can't get girls?"

"You'd be surprised how many girls throw themselves at me." König seemed a little arrogant, but there was a hint of truth to what he was saying.

"But you don't act."

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