Area 51 [Part 1]

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AN: The prompt was anything to do with Area 51. @Paige_maybank132 got the same prompt because we go to the same school, but I think she's making hers into a book structured story, but mine is just going to be lazy writing so I can get a decent grade lolol

It was a dark and stormy night...

Just kidding.

It was a sunny day, and not a drop of rain in sight. My backpack was hung low on my jacket covered back; my cargo pants covered legs walking down the same hill I've laid my feet on for the past four years. My phone was in my right hand, my headphones were placed on my neck and my converse making small thumps as they met the asphalt.

I was going over to Lana's place; she was my best friend since what felt like eternity (almost one school year). I ran up my driveway, almost ripped the handle of the back door off, grabbed my denim carry on bag, my stapler just in case someone tries to kidnap me (this aged well), two Hot Cheeto bags, my water bottle, a lip gloss, the two handlebars of my bike and dashed off.

My new bike crunched over rocks and bumped over the cracks in the sidewalk. I let the tires of my bike screech to a pause multiple times at the expense of not getting run over by a bunch of white SUVs, and not killing squirrels. I pedaled until I reached Lana's house. I rang the doorbell until Lana's ugly (okay-looking face) greeted me (awoop jumpscare). We hung out until the golden rays of the sunset, packing our bulky bags, and planning out all the outfits we wanted to wear to the trip to Las Vegas.

It was six days later, and we were lifting the heavy plastic cases into trunks of taxis and buses, with our backpacks holding onto our shoulders.

It was twenty minutes later, boarding the airplane.

It was four hours later, picking up our luggage at the airport.

It was only an hour later when we got kidnapped by the agents of Area 51.

#MASSIVEPLOTTWIST Crazy, right (Area 51 was definitely not part of the prompt).

I woke up to Lanas face in mine, my back aching from the uncomfortable floor of the black Minivan. I rubbed my dark brown eyes until I saw spots, as I lifted myself up from the half laying down, half sitting position I was in (my bitch pose is NASTYYYYY the ELBOWWW). I checked my surroundings and felt around for my things, but only my denim messenger bag was with me. I peered at the stapler, Hot Cheeto bags, my Summer Friday Lip Gloss, and a half empty plastic water bottle.

Oh wow, we're actually done for.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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