Chucky's first sex offense - SPECIAL EDITION

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Sweet, luxuoriously absorbed Chucky leaned over Lactose Intolerance's crib. They finally managed to purchase one, with the help of Chucky's new OnlyFans. The child was kicking and screaming, not unlike the rabid rats (Chucky's ancestors) scurring around the aparment and flooding into the streets outside.  As Chucky stroked his young child's back, trying and failing to soothe him, his heart pumped with love. Nothing in this world brought him as much joy as his newborn rat-child. Except for one thing. As she continued to scream in agony, Chucky sighed. "Oh, my sweet summer's child, I must tell you a story."

Chucky reminincesed back to the beloved moment sixteen years ago. At 21 years old, he had just inherited CEC Entertainment and was working his first job at one of the Charles Entertainment Cheese locations. After a long day of scrapping together expired pizzas,  he was sitting at the counter, waiting for the next party guests. According to the registration list, it should be for a group of twenty first graders, or twenty opportunities for more vomit to clean off the carpet and more piss to wash out of the ball pit. 

Suddenly, Chucky heard a motorcycle rumbling outside. GAWDAMMIT! This will be the third gang shooting today! He reached into the country, pulling out (not his dick this time) a gun, and a thousand dollars of counterfit cash. He was so annoyed with having to hear the mother's scream about their endangered children and 'sueing the franchise.' Stupid liberals. Chucky averted his gaze towards the window and positioned his Chuck E. Cheese branded glock to aim right for the door. He heard the motorcycle zoom closer, and viewed the outside.

Through the window, he saw something unexpected. Not a crowd of gang motorcycles, but one, glamified gold and silver Neimun Marcus Limited Edition Fighter. All he could see before he turned the corner was a small figure atop the motorcycle. Intrigued, he set the money and gun below the counter and waited for the child to arrive.

As the bells to the doors rang, he looked up. Then he saw Him. Time stopped still. Chucky's heart skipped a beat, in a way unrelated to his chronic heart condition. Before he could think, his cheese-soaked fingers creeped up to cover his astounding gasp. He sighed, his eyes swooning. How could someone be so beautiful? And so young...... mph~. Perfect for Chucky. His hair was swooped back... Chucky couldn't tell if it was from the wind, hairspray, or extreme usage of bleach and hairdye that the hair was fried to oblivion and gave up on living. Chucky didn't care. He was perfect nontheless.  His masculine hairline framed his sexy, chad-shaped jawline. His muscles beamed through his tight shirt, sleek with what was either sweat or suspicious rat juice. Over the shirt, He modeled denim jacket covered with various patches and pins. Chucky loves a man with personality! He had a lingering scent of mulch, which enticed Chucky's nostrils to learn in further. 

As the kid walked up to the counter, Chucky broke from his trance. He shook his head quickly, knocking off his daydreaming, and his Chuck E. Cheese branded hat slammed right into the face of Chucky's new crush. "H-hey *hiccup* hello there. I'm so sorry beauti- I mean bussin new customer!" Chucky quickly snatched the hat back up, his skin becoming even redder than it already was from consuming borderline unhealthy amount of ketchup.  Looking down upon the child, and totally not purposely eyeing the kid's rear, he sees a tail coming out of a hole in his pants. A rat tail. Chucky gasped, once again, in disbelief. Not only had he met the hottest hunk alive, but He's also a member of Chucky's species. Just as Chucky was about to utter his loving words, he noticed the kid tense up for a second, and the tail retracted about half an inch into His ripped jeans. So. Hot.

"So.... what brings you in today?" Chucky blushed. 

"Hello there esteemed patron. I, Leumas, require a party room this instant." Nodding rapidly, Chucky bowed down, and obliged, yelling probably a bit too enthusasitcally, "Yes! Yes! Of Course!" He swiftly jotted down Leumas' name on the register, when he noticed the group of first graders listed. He had gotten so consumed in his excitement, he had forgotten about them! They should be scheduled to arrive any minute. Chucky had to hurry and cancel!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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