Chapter 6: Parental Life

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Ah, finally. Home sweet home. The sight of your "Live Laugh Love" Doormat and door decoration once again bring you immese happiness. Chucky is waiting for you inside. You had to move in together, to scrap up enough funds to take care of the rat-child. As you walk inside, you see chucky curdling the child in his lap,  sitting on the crusty, old matress in your studio apartment. The baby couldn't have it's own room. All of the money fron Chucky's resturant and nicotine distrobution network had to be given to the FEDs to ensure he wouldn't be arrested for violating every health and safety regulation in the book. In fact, you were so dirt-poor, Chucky and you drank your own breastmilk to live. Oh well, it's worth it to be with the love of your life.

As you step inside, your feet scrape against the many crumbs littered across the floor. It smells of old urine and soiled diapers. MMmmm. They should make a candle out of this. The crusting carpet entinces you towards your rat-mazing wuvy dovey perfect pickle dicky dock hubby wubby. Mphhh~~~~ you love him so much.

The rat infant is curdled up in a cheese blanket, crafted from chucky's fluids, perfect softness for a growing child. Its ears extend and you can smell the unwashed fur strands filling your nostrils, serotonin spilling from your ears. Your beautiful baby.

Chucke is falling sleep, the rat-child in his arms, drool dribbling from his muzzle and soaking into the sheets. You hug him, and your toes curl. You have a surprise for chucky - you've finally decided on a name for your little angel! You just need to wait for him to wake up. You excitedly watch them sleep, staring kindly. Hours past. You're still waiting, not even blinking. You piss yourself and it soaks onto Chucky. Free cologne!

You are just about to assume he died, but suddenly his eyeballs quadruple in size (quite like his other balls do when he sees you). Finally, your honka honkey awoke from his beauty sleep! Mushrooms grow from his lips, and you suck on them as you embrace. His fur has already soaked up all of your waste, so he's extra moisturized, soothing your skin. "Babe... mph~" His waxy voice relaxes your ears, pleasant shivers running through your body. 

"Chucky, I have something to tell you.." you speak romantically as you slide your hand down his pantaloons. As you begin to pleasure him, you are about to reveal the surpise for Chucky. Sometimes, your Daddy Chucky gets a little angry if he goes too long without being pleasured. It wouldn't be good for him to be upset during this monumental moment. Seductively, you rub his crusted tip as the words form on your lips. "I have decided to name the rat-child.... Lactose Intolerance!" Just saying those heavenly words brings you so much joy.

"BABE??? Are you serious?" Chucky exclaims as he cums (accidentally) on the child. "That name... it encompasses all the love I have for my little girl. Her snotty nostrils, infected ears, crusted yellow toenails, her 22 tumors, the teeth growing from them....., it makes me feel alive. It makes me feel ready to be pegged (by you, for clarification: Chucky's love for Lactose Intolerance is purely fatherly paternal instinct and nothing else) ." 

You both embrace, your love more grand than Jeff Bezo's love for explotation of minimum wage employees. A plastic bottle full of your piss falls from the bedframe and spills all over the mattress. As it leaks into your mattress, his cheese leaks into your skin. You can feel the moisture seeping into your pubes- giving them a life that the tangled forest hadn't felt in forever. Works better than anything on the market- Drunk Elephant, Laroach Pusay, and Summer Fridays could never compare!

You fall asleep as eachother's moisturizing fluids press into eachother. When you wake up, you feel the same feeling that you felt just over 9 months ago....

to be continued

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