Chapter 5: The holy birth

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Water falls to the ground, rippling down on the crusty, moldy tile of the Chuck-e-cheese pizza kitchen.

"SHIT!" You exclaim. Chucky immediatly rushes over to see what the issue is. "Shit, shit, Chucky! My water broke!"

Chucky is frozen in shock. "H-honey... I need to work... and we don't have time to go home or to the hospital... what are we going to do...." chucky paces frantically, panicking. He than suddenly perks up with an idea. Sprinting through expired cheese packets and trash bags full of nicotine (chucky's side hustle) he arrives at the largest sink in the establishment. "This is our best option..."

You smile ear to ear. "Oh chucky, thank you so much! To have such a holy moment in the chuck-e-cheese kitchen?? This is a dream come true!!!" You hug chucky, water soaking his pantaloons.

"Come on babe...." Chucky helps lift you inside of the sink, as you moan from pain. Turning on the tap water, you see the murky brown green water. It relaxes you, and relieves the pain for a short moment. The drain is filled to the brim with bacteria buildup, and Chucky's earwax falls into the sink, clogging it more. Slowly it fills up with the glorious water, the sink continuing to pour until the swamp is up to your shoulders. You can feel strange itchy things crawling from the water inside your vagina, but you are in too much pain to take notice.

"Oh baby...." Chucky rocks you back and forth, massaging your back with his grease-filled fingernails. His drippling snot falls down your neck and he rubs it in like lotion.

Suddenly, a loud noise is coming from outside the kitchen. It's one of chucky's deciples yelling that an order needs to be made. He quickly washes a plate with your blood-filled water, and throws a random pizza on it to be served. Seconds later, Chucky is back.

The pain is getting increasingly worse. It feels as if your insides are tearing themselves apart, and your vagina is being stretched to its limits. The water is turning from the greenish-brown to a deep red, and chucky drinks some of it to stay hydrated. As arcade noises in the background set the mood, you feel the sensation of tiny rat ears cascading down your birth canal.

Chucky dashes off to serve more pizza, and the child menuvers its way out of you. You see the moldy, rat fur combined with your porcelain skin combining itself into one beautiful creation. You almost pass out from the pain, but chucky rushes back and pulls the fetus from your pussy lips.

Chucky holds up the atrocious creature, highlighting the blood-covered ball of skin. Greasy fur can be seen across its body, and it appears that the genes of chucky's abnormally large ears are strong. It immediatly starts screeching, and you practically die from how much you love it.

"'s a girl! I'm so happy.... I love her so much, babe..." Chucky sets the rat-human infant on some pizza as a cushion, and you both cuddle inside the sink.

To be continued...

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