Chapter 29. I Don't Remember

Start from the beginning

"Hm. I wanna see your body more though."

Solar freeze's up a bit, his blush taking over at this point as he eats his food.
"I um-"

"Last time we didn't make it too far."

"Yeah- it was your birthday-"

"Hm yeah. It would've been a nice present if we got to continue."

"wElL- um- we can- um- after I eat-?"

"hm... Ok."

Solar shyly eats his food, Ruin starting to squeeze at Solar's legs a bit.


"Ruin can you plEase wait until I finish-?"
"Ah- sorry-"
Ruin stands up, looking away from their lover.

"... I still want you to look at me..."

Ruin looks down at Solar, who's still wrapped in his blanket.

"... You know- this was my room before yours."

"Wait what-?"

"I didn't sleep here much."

"You gave me your room-?"


"You gave someone you didn't even know your bedroom-?!"

"... I guess... Yeah."

"I did kinda know you though-"

"What-? You gave me this room the same day you- meet me-?"

"... You have a bad memory."

"What- um- what- what do you mean by that-?"

"... We meet before that day- as kids- you hid behind me from your brothers- you ran onto the coast line!"

"I- I think you three where playing tag- and you were so nice and- you had these little gloves on for some reason- I think I have a picture from that time-"

Ruin starts looking through their pockets, Solar placing the plate to the side, being finished.

What are they talking about-

Ruin pulls out a picture, handing it to Solar.
The picture shows a group of pirates, maybe about thirty different people all standing next to eachother.

Ruin points at the only kid in the picture.
"That one's me- this was taken about a year before we meet but still!"

Solar looks at the person Ruin points to.
It almost looks like a completely different person entirely.

Short fluffy hair, which seems to be blonde, a big jump from the dark red of Ruin's current hair.

The kid smiles, though it almost seems forced, it seems as though they'd been crying just a minute before, the person standing straight up, along with the others.

The short hair cut messily with seemingly no direction.

The other people in the photo seem almost like stone faced soldiers.

Though most notably in Solar's mind...

"If this is you- wheres Monty- and what about your ear-?"

"... Oh um- Monty wasn't on the boat yet- he joined the crew a month or two later I think- and I don't think I had... Damaged my ear just yet-"

"Wait what- what happened to your ear so young-?!"

"Doesn't really matter-"

"No Ruin tell me-!"

"... My dad wasn't the best- um... I rather not talk about it-"

"... Fine... but I want to know one day, ok?"

"... Yeah ok..."

Solar calms down a bit, taking a closer look at the picture, each of the pirates have a certain symbol on their outfits, which Solar, almost recognizes.

That looks... Similar to...

"Whats this symbol?"
Solar points at the symbol.
"It reminds me of an old raider families mark- I read about it when I was younger-"


"It was a really good read actually- I forget what it was titled- it was something like- 'pirates throughout time'- or ages... I don't fully remember-"

"... My family... Were raiders... I didn't partake in it- I swear-"

"Oh- what did your family do-?"

"... Well... Um... I wasn't allowed to see but... I heard- a lot of screaming... and... Blood..."

"... You never did anything like that- right-?"

"No. Of course not! I'd never-!"

Solar gives out a sigh of relief.
"Ok- I'm not dating a murder-!"

"... You don't care-?"

"Well... It's a interesting bit of information... but it's not like anyone I cared about died from raiders- and... Well- you didn't do it so... I'm fine."

"Do you think of me any differently-?"

Solar looks at the picture of Ruin.

"Well... I don't remember us meeting still... I think Monty mentioned it to me at one point- well they didn't say it was me- did you really wait all that time... For me-?"

"Yeah... You were a person who I loved... Even back then... I just needed to see you again..."

"... Cute..."

I wish I remembered...

I think...

"... How old we're we-?"

"Well- I had just turned six! It was my birthday-"

"... Hm... Most of my memories of that time is really just of my dad-"

"That's- that's fair..."

"Did you not meet anyone else to fall in love with between meeting me- twice-?"

"Well I meet Monty- but Monty's, Monty- so no not really- and even if I had... I was set on meeting you again... I'd imagine what our life would be like..."

"Did you imagine this?"

"I thought we'd be married by now-"

Solar pulls Ruin onto him, pushing his face into theirs, the two sharing a deep kiss.

"I love you..."


Ruin slowly pulls down their and Solar's pants.


... There WAS gonna be smut but- I'm over 1200 words-
random note from Cosmo: yummy

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