Lab Born

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It's sticky. No. Slimy? Almost like slime and it's either floating around you or you're floating in it. You also feel small. Maybe as small as a penny. Your head hurts like a hammer has been bashed into your skull so many times that you've lost count. You try to open your eyes but they feel so heavy. You try again and a couple more times and once you do, you rapidly blink away the exhaustion to try and keep them open. And what you see is a lab. And no, not just any lab, the Baron Draxum lab.

Looking around in confusion, thoughts had flooded through your mind. How did you get here? Why are you here? Obviously to be created in an army to destroy humanity in Draxum's order but when did he create five turtles? Why did he create five turtles? He only created four turtles in the show, why did he add you?

A tap. You hear a tap on the container next to you and you look towards the sound to see a red eared slider staring right back at you. It- he turns his head to the left to what it seems to be confusion and maybe even a bit of worry. Leonardo. He let's out a worried chirp before looking behind you and you follow his eyes. A spiny soft shell, Donatello, a alligator snaping turle, Raphael, and a common box turtle, Michelangelo, are all in their own confinements.

What the hell is going on?, is the only question that's on your mind. That was until a loud, booming voice echoed throughout the lab. "Finally, after all these years I've done it. The recipe for my latest project has been completed and now I can create the most powerful warriors that can destroy humanity.

All I need now is the right DNA to inject it into these creatures." At that, your eyes widen in shock and your mouth almost dropped at the goat-like man infront of you. Your surprise only grows when two voices emerges at the entrance, and low and behold your own eyes would have never guessed what they would be seeing.

"Hey boss!"

"We got something for ya!" Two bat-like creatures were carrying the Lou Jitsu, his bangs swoop to the side while the hair on his head stands on his shoulders. His blue, oarnge and white tux clinging on his frame flawlessly without any effort. His collar is cut into a v-neck that shows the upper part of his chest.

Draxum's voice brought you back out of your thoughts, you turn to the sheep-man as he talks. "They're not food! They're my prime subjects. These rare surface creatures will one day become great warriors. Once I mutate them with the right DNA."

"Oh stinking wow!" The two bat creatures exclaimed, flying out of Draxum's lab.

You couldn't progress anything further as you felt yourself being picked up. Looking forward you saw Lou's face looking towards yours. "Aren't you cute. I will call you, Green!" You deadpan at the man's creativity on names. "And I will call you, Green Number Two! Uh, how can I tell you turtles apart?" You watched as the tanned man looked between you and your brother in confusion. Though, while the man was occupied with the two of you, out of the corner of your eyes, Baron had walked closer to the three of you.

You hissed at the sheep-like creature.

Lou managed to notice your distress call and had turned in your direction to see what had made you so hostile. But as soon as he had turned his head, Draxum had used this opportunity as a distraction and used his vine-like tentacles and snatched you and Leo out of his hands as well as grabbing the other three and putting the five you back into your confinements. Draxum continued his speech.

"When I use your DNA to mutate them."

"Wait, stop! I will not let you turn these innocent creatures into violent monsters!" Lou declared, his voice echoing throughout the lab. His now only goal is to rescue you and your brothers. But, as he yelled, the mutation had already started. It was a wired feeling but it didn't hurt as you thought it would. Probably because you're not being bitten by the Oozquito yourself to be mutated.

Lou slid on his knees as an blue explosion went off behind him, doing a little pose as he does. He looks down to see the five of you out of your confinements. "Precious little creatures." The raven-haired man scooped the five of you into his hands. "I will save you little turtles." Gloved hands cautiously picked up the five terrapins, he then lifts up his arm to reveal a rapid rat.

Though, before he could get a sentence out about saving the creature, the brown-furred rat had bit him. An unexplainable and uncontrollable pain had washed through his veins. The transformation looked just as painful as it was while watching the show on TV, Lou's gut-wrenching screams mixing with the deathing sounds of the explosion of the lab. His tanned and toned skin long gone as now pink fur had replaced the flesh, the fur soaked with the steam that's flowing increasingly fast from the pipes as Lou had made it his getaway and ultimately leaving Baron Draxum in his now destroyed lab.


The smell if the sewers were strong. The streams of waters were a icky shade of green, flowing from the pipes that're connected to the surface. It was cold, even with Lou's fur and suit it was cold. Maybe now because you're a mutant turtle, a reptile, but you can feel a slight chill in the air.

You could feel theothers shaking from the cold as well. The former actor's ears twitched at the turtles' hushed churrs. Looking down at the children in his arms- they're shivering. Little faces frowned at the cold air around them, all huddled together as if to keep each other warm, some of them barely able to keep their eyes open.

It would have been an a adorable sight if it weren't for the circumstances.

He needs a place to rest.

The past events had been catching up on him, he's exhausted. But he can't rest until he had found a proper place to make sure his babies are warm, he'll be able to find food and other necessities tomorrow. Though, as Lou had turned around the corner, it had seemed to be everything that the now rat-man had been looking for- it was an abandoned subway. A spacious subway as it held many rooms that he'll be able to walk through tomorrow. Plan out different rooms for his kids.

But for now? It's a perfect place to rest as it is secured from any prying eyes from above. From humanity.

With that, the former ninjitsu star walked to one of the seats that's placed around the current room he's in and climbed onto it as he'll be sleeping there for the night. It is not the nicest or cleanest place for any child to live in, but he can convert it into a home for his children over the years. It's better than living in the Hidden City where Barxon Draxum or Big Mama can have a change at finding him. Or the surface where any sort of harm that can come to them.

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