42. Out

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Me and George messed around as we ate, giggling and laughing. Once we finished I cleaned everything up and tossed it.

I walked back to the couch and looked at George. He looked so comfortable, his hair was perfectly placed on his face. His position was spread out with a flimsy blanket on him.

We locked eyes and he scoffed, "come here," I took no time, I wrapped myself around his acute figure. My face was pressed into his chest as my legs were curled up.

My arms we wrapped tightly around his waist. He took in a sharp inhale as my cold hands met with his bare skin. He buried his hands in my thick hair as he massages the roots, I let out sighs of relief.

"You like that?" I nod slightly to not disturb, "just don't fall asleep," I giggle at the thought.

"I won't, promise," he didn't respond but kept messaging me gently.

I felt my eyes flutter but I didn't bother trying to keep them open. I felt George stop his actions and I sat up. A red line was striked on the side of my face.

"Oh darling, you look pitiful," I nod.

Before I could even try to get the sensation back, I heard small crys from the other room.

We looked at eachother and eventually George got up and made his way to Beverly. In the meantime, I made the couch very comfortable.

I was tangled up in said flimsy blanket and I sat up. Soon though, George was walking out with Beverly, who was still bawling her eyes out. I scoffed and held my arms out for her, George carefully set her on me.

"Beverly, why are you crying, sweetheart?" George sat next to us as I tried to sooth her.

"Shhhh, sweetheart, daddy is right here," George gave me a look, "aren't I daddy?" I shook my head and laughed, "no you're dada," He rolled his eyes and smiled.

After a little, Beverly stopped crying and was focused on what the hell I had on my face. She grabbed onto my beard and tried pulling on it, seeing how she couldn't take it off she plays with it's texture.

She smacked my face lightly and looked at George, "that's daddy's beard, honey." Beverly looked back at me and let her pacifier drop out of her mouth. She looked puzzled and her mouth opened, she was trying to speak.

"Dah-ee," I smiled, "you're so close, sweetheart, you can do it."

"Dah...prrhm" she gave up mid-sentence and laid her head on my chest. I look at George, my eyes watering and my smile upside down. Beverly let out a sigh of comfort and kept laying there.

I never knew holding someone so small and loveable in my arms will make me want to cry. She was just so tiny and perfect.

"Darling, are you actually about to cry?" I shrug and I looked down at Beverly, fast asleep again.

"Damn, she said one word and passed out," George stated, our laughter chimed together as I sat there holding my precious baby in my arms.

I kept her in my arms as George opened up my laptop, "I need your opinion," he chimed. A tab popped open for venues, wedding venues. They were very pretty, some pricey-er than others.

"What do you want? Specifically what should it look like?" He scrolled on a few and they were all gorgeous, "baby, whatever you think is perfect, whatever you like."

He groaned and put his hands on his face, "Clay, don't you think that's why I'm asking you?? I need you to give me some information on what you would like so I can look for something we both like!"

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