Chapter 4 - A Little Bit Of A Liar

Start from the beginning

"She won't let me leave." You quickly cross your arms like a spoiled child.

"It's for her own good. The fight with Dvalin was a hard battle and she needs to rest." Jean stated. "Though she has no injuries, absorbing corruption cannot be taken lightly. Dvalin's mind was diluted and it is possible hers can as well."

"I'll be fine." You say. "Besides, I rested all week. I haven't had any noticeable changes."

You, once again, lie about the last part. There was definitely a problem brewing in your body.

"Were you injured at all, (Y/N)?" The traveler asked you as you looked towards her.

"Define injured." You narrow your eyes.

"What do you mean define!" Paimon yelled. "You either were or weren't hurt!"

"Okay, perhaps not in the.... Visibly physical sense." You state. "However, my staying inside all day cannot help my problem. It's just headaches and nausea."

You probably have a lying problem.

"Which is why you need to rest," Jean said, growing concerned.

"No." You shake your head, placing a hand over your heart. "If I were to, the corruption could spread and infect more. That's a risk I'm not willing to take. I need to find a way to taper it off before it becomes a problem. I cannot wait."

"So you weren't going to see the town?" Jean deadpanned as you shifted your gaze away.

"I... was not...." You answer, truthfully this time. "I planned to leave and start traveling. I need answers that cannot be provided in just one place. I was going to-"

"You were going to leave without saying goodbye...?" Paimon sniffled.

"Yes, I was..." You state rather heartlessly. However, you felt bad for saying it. "The deal is done and it is time to go. I'm sorry, but I need to and I'm not one for goodbyes. It is an unnecessary conversation that usually ends in sadness."

Jean shook her head disapprovingly as the traveler looked at you with a frown. You shifted your gaze away, before swallowing hard. You were terrible at this. Perhaps you being cooped up in the castle was not a good thing. Even if you were allowed monthly parties with the people, that wasn't enough to make you good for conversation. This is exactly what you wanted to avoid. There were so many questions that needed answers and you couldn't keep searching in one place. Your home, where Lily is, how to remove corruption, how long it's been, and many more.

Everyone seemed to be overtaken by silence for a long while. Then, the traveler looked up.

"Perhaps... You could join me and Paimon." The traveler suggested after some thought.

You stare at her, unsure. Paimon quickly took the lead, somewhat excited.

"Oh, we can eat together, fight together, and find answers together!" Paimon said joyfully. "Also, the traveler could maybe purify you if things get too bad! So, no need to worry Jean. Paimon is sure it will be a blast!"

"Hmm...." You think for a moment.

Traveling with a party was not normally how you went about things. Leading an army, protecting the weak, handling disasters, but traveling in a group.... It never really occurred to you as a thing that was possible. Though, the traveler being able to possibly purify you was appealing. To do that, it would require that you reveal your secret to them. Perhaps you should tell them only the important part.

"I am okay with this idea," Jean stated. "Though I do want (Y/N) to be seen by Barbara before she goes. I trust you can do that traveler?"

"I'm on it!" The traveler responded.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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