Chapter 2 - Questions and Doubts

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About Caves

Caves are so much more homey, wouldn't you agree? There's just something about the closing walls that surround it like a blanket. Not that the surface is bad, of course. It is nice to see such an amount of light. It's hard not to stare at the sun, to be honest. So beautiful...


Full of hope and used for defense, that's what a blade meant to you and what it should be used for. Now, it was tainted and an unknown quantity. When you summoned the weapon, it sparked with a familiar light before diminishing into a purple glow. It was almost like the light was swallowed up and eaten, locked up like you were in the crystal.

This fact ached your heart, burned it with fear. If you gave up, what would happen to Lily? You were the same. What if you were the only one holding onto the remaining light? You had to hold on, not just for her either. There could be citizens still around, desperate for the light you brought them daily.

These worries followed along with you as the traveler led you out of town and into a nearby field so you could do your duel. Paimon never seemed to stop talking on your journey, but it didn't matter. Either way, you were locked inside your own head space and weren't really paying attention.

"This should be a good spot!" Venti said, reminding you that he was even here.

Fascinating that a god would stoop so low as to help mortals. It didn't settle well in your stomach either. Normally, at least if the books you read were true, gods would be watching your every move, ready to cast down judgment and restrict the advances of mankind. Though, so far, it didn't seem like he was doing that at all. Rather, he was trying to save a friend.

"Are you ready?" The traveler asked.

With a flick of the wrist, your sword summoned in a burst of darkening light. It was guided by your hand and floated, poised to strike.

"Ready." You nod as the traveler withdraws their weapon.

A question rested in your mind, wondering how good of a fighter this traveler is. Clearly good if a god chooses for them to take their place in a duel. Or perhaps, he doubted your capabilities. You hoped to prove him wrong.

The traveler moved quickly, swiping at you within a moment's notice. You backed away, your sword moving to deflect and with a spinning cut as you bounded away. It hit landed, but the hit was light as is natural. There was no real strong force on the blade because it was simply free-floating in the air. To have more strength, you needed to grasp the handle.

"Woah!" Paimon gaped. "Get her traveler!"

The traveler nodded, moving in for another strike. You swived around, agile as the blade disappeared in a flash and appeared within your hands. It then morphed into a heavy claymore as you swung down. Compared to your previous move, it was slow but powerful. The traveler dodged to the side because of the speed.

Spinning around on your heel, you dodged her next strike, before taking your own. Your moves were graceful and you spun around, twirling your weapon to gain more force. However, it seemed that you and the traveler were an even match.

That was, until a gust of wind swirled in the traveler's palm, sending you flying back abruptly. Venti hooted as Paimon gasped, but you got up quickly. The traveler moved, trying to get you while you were down but you decided to activate your ability. 

With a wave of your hand, blades appeared, surrounding your body before going down on the traveler. The traveler dodged all but one, the blade catching her hand. You then shifted one weapon to a claymore again, lifting yourself into the air and striking. The sun casts a light onto your hair. It radiated with a bright, almost blinding light, and then you hit. The traveler was struck, rolling across the ground rather harshly.

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