Chapter 3 - Corrupted Heart

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About Venti

Interestingly, a god was the one that managed to help me. If the orb was left as treasure, a human could've easily found it as well. I'm not too convinced he is the one that found it- Ungrateful? You think I sound ungrateful? Oh.... I am very thankful for his aid. I just.... Don't expect me to be singing his praises. His ego is already far too much.


The History of Teyat: Volume One turned into two, then three, and then the entire series. Some of the stories were more or less legends. You read about up to two thousand years ago, absorbing the information into your very being.

The library session reminded you of when you were young. Lily was always the reader, not you.... No, she was you. Quickly you shake your head, throwing out the thoughts. You just needed to study, not about the days where you were created.

You lay the book down, rubbing your eyes. The sky outside was dark. You had sat in the library for a long amount of time. You were waiting for them to come get you so you could continue the attack on Stormterror. To kill time, you trained, then read, then trained, then read, then trained again, then read. 

"So what Lisa said is true," Paimon stated, making you look towards her with surprise.

"The librarian? What did she say?" You ask.

"That you haven't been resting or eating, just reading that book and practicing," Paimon said, the traveler nodding in agreement. "That's not good for you, ya'know."

"Ah, lost track of time." You humm.

"For three days? I know I would feel exhausted." The traveler said. "Perhaps it's time for rest. We can treat you to a meal too."

"Don't worry about me." You grab your book again. "I rested for four hours while reading. I don't need to rest as much as you, anyway."

"What do you mean by that?" Paimon asked as you gave her a side-eye.

"A mystery I don't wish to share." You state.

"Ah! But Paimon wants to know!" Paimon pleaded.

"Sorry, but no." You state, holding a hand over your heart.

"Hmm, fine, but we are supposed to go to the Dawn Winery now," Paimon said in a pouty voice. "If you're too tired...."

"I can make it." You say.

"I'll carry you on my back so you can rest or... If you think you can make it...." The traveler trailed off.

"A nice offer, but I'm quite alright. I swear." You state.

Yes, you would indeed be fine. At least for the next day and as long as you didn't exert your abilities. Your training didn't exhaust you, nor did the studying. You were sitting, which counts as rest, so it doesn't bother you one bit.

You wrap up your things, before following the duo out. They moved quickly, but you were able to keep up. Easily you made your way out of the city.

"Where is it you come from, (Y/N)?" Paimon asked as you journeyed on.

"It's a place that was ravaged by war, but held on without a god." You state. "Far below the earth and away from judgment. It was a paradise."

"A land without a god? Could such a thing exist?" Paimon gapped.

"Haha, of course." You giggle. "If there's a will, there's a way. It is the way of humanity."

You continued, traversing the hills relatively easily. There were a few hiccups because you didn't have a glider, but the traveler let you hang onto them while they glided down. It was easy and pretty safe because of your small size. The traveler was able to do it very easily too.

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