chapter 14 \|/ one silver dollar

Start from the beginning

"one silver dollar.. Bright, silver dollar.."

Lucifer sang softly, only stopping a moment to take another inhale of the cigarette.


Lucifer felt chills go down his spine, and somehow, without even looking through the peephole on his door, he knew who was on the other side.

"Changing hands, changing hands.." Lucifer felt his vision being clouded by the vast amount of smoke coming from his mouth.

"Come in.." The owner of the knock found the door was already unlocked, and made their way in.

"Endlessly rollin.. wasted or stolen..."

Lucifer stopped again to take another drag, his eyes wandering to the dimly lit up man at his door.

Lucifer could feel his mouth tug into a small grin around the cigarette, and he resumed to the song. Although he was going skip a few of the lyrics, his memory seeming to only remember one line.

"Love is a shining dollar."

Before Lucifer knew it, Alastor was infront of him and plucking the cigarette out of his mouth, taking his own drag. Alastor decided to sit on the desk he was sitting at not too long ago, placing a phone call to their very own babysitter.

It was oddly.. Intimate..

Lucifer continued to strum a few strings, humming the tune of the song softly.

"You have the voice of honey, my dear." Lucifer opened the eyes he didn't know he had shut, shocked at the sudden praise.

Especially when this was the same man that invaded his thought and dreams.

"An Angel." Alastor praised, taking another drag of the now finished cigarette and crumbling it against the desk. Lucifer flushed, wishing he was taking another drag. But before Lucifer could hang on to wishes, Alastor made his way off the desk and to Lucifer.

"A voice like that shouldn't be getting ruined with something as stupid as a cigarette, now should it?" Alastor leaned down, bringing a hand up to Lucifer's cheek and letting his thumb idly drift to Lucifer's lip.

"Sing."  Alastor's demand didn't even sound or look like a demand, more like a plea. A plea to be blessed with the honey in his ears. His eyes burned into Lucifer's, somehow telling him all that he need to know just by the softness hidden behind them.

And all Lucifer could do was hang onto those 5 words and strum his guitar.

"Love is a shining dollar."

Alastor hummed, withdrawing his body from the magnetic pull that is.. Lucifer.. And dug something out of his pocket.

Lucifer was stunned.

In Alastor's hand was a golden belt buckle, small designs littered all over it. But the most appealing part was the design of the apple in the center.

It was beautiful.

"Alastor.. T-Thank you.. I don't know what to say.. Where did you get this?" Alastor just put a hand on the blondes cheek.

"No matter.. It's an apology for this morning." Alastor slowly leaned down to Lucifer, whose lungs felt like they were collapsing on him.

Alastor placed a firm kiss on Lucifer's temple, lingering for only a moment before sitting up straight.

"Well.. I had quite the day. Good night, your majesty." Alastor abruptly blurted, and darted out of the room like he wasn't even there.

Leaving Lucifer shirtless, as flushed as an apple, and in dire need of another cigarette.

But he sat there instead.


1068 words

awwwwwww a gifttttttt, so cute

sorry for any grammar mistakes!!

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