chapter 8 \|/ shopping with a king

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—Doris Day

Their pattern was consistent of that for the rest of the week. Lucifer would wake up late, go down for breakfast, wait for 1-10 minutes for Alastor to get there, and then eat. Sometimes Alastor sat around for a bit, but he always left once Lucifer were to read the newspaper. Since Alastor reads the major stories during his broadcast, he usually knows what outrage the King is gonna be facing.




All of that drama. Alastor kind've felt bad, but after the first day, Lucifer had learned to compose himself around his daughter.

Alastor didn't even mind. The blonde was already in a good mood (or flirty mood) and quite often, left very good tips. It was a win-win, including the amusement he usually got from the short male.

Today was no different, only Charlie wasn't with him.

As soon as Alastor arrived, he bee-lined towards the corner booth.

Lucifer giggled with excitement, his big blue eyes looking widely at Alastor, who fiddled with the pen in his hand.

"Where's Charlie?" Alastor tilted his head.

"Sleeping!" Lucifer brightly smiled.

"Why so happy, sire?" Lucifer seemed to just be even more happy to tell Alastor. Alastor just raised a brow and tried to suppress his genuine smile with a smirk.

"Uhhh, so I would like an orange juice, and some pancakes, and oh! bacon.. And Alastor! Guess what!" The blonde was giddy and stumbling over his words. It irked Alastor a bit, but he couldn't help but be curious.

"It better be something good, you're not having coffee today.. And you're having bacon." Alastor just put his pad of paper away, not needing to write down Lucifer's order.

"Im. Taking. Charlie. Shopping!!!" Lucifer seemed to have stars in his eyes as he smiled.

"Usually my ex-wife took her, or a maid, but now I am! For school! My daughter is going to a school!" Alastor tilted his head.

"She has never been to a school?" Lucifer just shook his head.

"No, we usually just got her a tutor or something.. But now she's gonna meet other kids! She's gonna have more friends!" Lucifer suddenly frowned.

"Oh my. What if she gets bullied? Because of me? Alastor! I shouldn't let her go to school.. this was a horrible idea.." Lucifer melted in booth seat, sulking. Alastor smirked, very amused on the blondes sudden change. However, part of him wanted to reassure the king. tell him it wouldn't happen. tell him he wouldn't allow it.

"Now, now, don't be drastic, my Lord. I'm sure Charlie will do just fine. She can stick up for herself?" Alastor tilted his head, mentally cursing himself for his attempt to reason with the man.

"She's too nice. She's nothing like me.." Lucifer slumped more, and whined pathetically. Alastor purred in the sight.

"I would say you are perfectly alike. And like I said, I'm sure she would do just fine. It would be a good experience for her." Alastor hummed, and turned on his heel and retreated back into the kitchen. He put a hand on his mouth, trying to suppress the obvious genuine smile on his face.

"He's right.." Lucifer mumbled and ran his finger through his hair.

Lucifer didn't know what to do, and for the first time since Lilith, he decided to trust another opinion. 

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