chapter 4 \|/ freight

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ALASTOR LOOKED AT HIMSELF in the mirror one last time, his simple light red dress shirt loose because of the top buttons disconnected.

He left his room, and started to make his way across the inn with heavy strides. He had a guest to wake up, after all.


LUCIFER JOLTED AWAKE, the sensation of buzzing voices lingering around him taking him out of the deep sleep he was in.

" dad says to not let strangers in.. mister..." Lucifer slowly blinked, hearing footsteps approach his sleeping body. He felt the bed sink down in the new weight, and he groggily put a hand on the shoulder.

"Charlie.. if someone's at the door, don't let them in.." Lucifer blinked slowly and quickly realized, that was a wide shoulder for a 10-year-old.

"Why, isn't this some poor parenting..!" Alastor mocked, taking Lucifer's hand for a moment before dropping it from his shoulder.

"Wha-What the fuck—!?" Lucifer gasped and quickly got up, reaching to his belt but was quickly stopped by a new voice.

"Daddy, i'm sorry.." Charlie looked between them with fear. She quickly hopped on the bed and grabbed her dads arm.

"Don't hurt him Daddy, I like him. He reminds me of Darry" Charlie begged and pleaded, emphasizing her point by shoving the deer plush into Lucifer's face. Alastor narrowed his eyes, but didn't say anything.

"It's okay Darling, this man is here to pick me up." Lucifer smiled sweetly at his daughter, placing her favorite plush back into her arms.

"But, never let a stranger in again, okay? They could be the boogeyman pretending to be a person!" Lucifer gasped and Charlie looked at him in fear. She started to tear up, but Lucifer just shushed her and held her.

"Would you like me to call this number?" Alastor finally spoke up, shoving a card in Lucifer's face.


xxxxxxxxxxxxx - NIFTY!!!

Lucifer sighed and nodded, obviously annoyed.

"I thought you were going to call, or something, but you didn't have to scare my daughter!" Alastor grinned, and shrugged.

"I don't recall either of those things taking place. You scared your daughter. Now i suggest you get yourself ready. We have a party to get to after all." Alastor dialed in the number quickly and put the phone by his ear, brushing Lucifer off.

Lucifer growled but complied, memories flooding in slowly from last night. He slowly walked to the small bathroom in his room.

'Jeez this guy is insufferable. what was i thinking?'

Lucifer looked at himself in the mirror. Sighing, he tore his shirt off and washed his face. He brushed his teeth and brushed through his hair.

"Daddy? I'm tired." Lucifer smiled and opened the door. Alastor seemed to be on the phone and laughing, his eyes moving from Charlie to Lucifer.

"Well i'll call you back.." Lucifer tuned his voice out and picked his daughter up.

"I'll put you to sleep hunny, don't you worry." Lucifer cooed and started to hum a small tune, laying down next to Charlie.

Charlie fell asleep almost instantly.

"As much as Id like to enjoy this, I also think a few drinks are calling our name. No?" Alastor whispered, putting down the phone and grinning widely, obviously not enjoying this. Lucifer payed no mind to the man, and continued to hum for Charlie.

"I'll wait for Nifty and that's it." Alastor crossed his arms, relaxing into the sound.

Soon enough, Nifty showed up. She smiled at Alastor and Lucifer, and handed a shirt to Alastor.

"I got what you asked, sir." She whispered, and then plopped on the opposite bed and started to read a book.

"What's that?" Lucifer got up and walked over to Alastor.

"Your shirt, because it seems you don't have one." Alastor looked down, and Lucifer's face flared red. He didnt even noticed, he was so distracted by Charlie. He still had in his white dress pants and gold belt.

"It should fit about right." Alastor handed him the shirt, and Lucifer instantly slipped it on, and struggled with the buttons. Alastor scoffed, and wordlessly did the buttons for the blonde. It was a salmon-colored dress shirt, and it was a little long on the sleeves.

"Gloves, your majesty?" Alastor seemed to of grabbed the gloves on his desk, and held them to Lucifer.

"You keep calling me these names, but I assure you i'm none of that." Lucifer felt his chest swell, and his face tugged into a grin

"Ahh. A humble man." Alastor mocked, but Lucifer didn't seem to notice.

"Best being going now?" Alastor walked in quick strides to the door, holding it open. Lucifer followed, and held his arm out. Alastor scoffed and held his out in return. Lucifer just rolled his eyes and interlocked their arms.

"This better be as good as you said it is."


sorry i haven't been updating, i have an idea on this book now and i try to write when i'm not busy.
im also starting to draw it 👀

anywho thanks for reading, and chapters should come quicker!!

overly obsessive \|/ human radioapple 🍎Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu