11: Midnight Craving

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Your POV

"Hey shut up," he pouted, his tone slightly defensive. He could tell I wasn't going to stop laughing anytime soon, and he felt a bit embarrassed and irritated that I was laughing at his drawing.

I kept laughing, my outburst of laughter causing him to become even more defensive. His pouting and irritation was funny to me, causing me to laugh even harder..

He made an annoying face, clearly getting irritated by me laughing.

He was clearly upset that I was laughing so much at his drawing, and he felt humiliated by my reaction.

I couldn't stop laughing though, which only made him more frustrated and upset. He was pouting and seemed very irritated, and it only added to my amusement and laughter..

He grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it at me, making me stumble a bit.

I was still laughing, but now I had to clutch my chest and catch my breath as the pillow hit me.

I couldn't help but giggle as I felt the pillow hit me and I stumbled back a short distance.

"Hey!" I exclaimed playfully, laughing even more as he had thrown a pillow at me out of frustration and irritation.

I grabbed a pillow as well and threw it back at him.

Our pillow fight began, and we were both giggling and laughing as we tried to pelt each other with pillows.

The mood had changed completely from one of embarrassment and irritation to one of humor and playfulness, and I was enjoying this new atmosphere.

My laughter rang through the room as I hurled the pillow back at him.

I threw the pillow back at him, and our friendly and fun-filled pillow fight began.

The seriousness and tension in the atmosphere had been instantly dispelled as we both burst out into laughter. It felt like all of the frustration and conflict that had been building up between us had simply vanished into thin air.

I was still laughing softly as I threw another pillow in his direction..

After our fun-filled and playful pillow fight, we both stopped and sat down on the bed to take a break.

As we both looked at the time, we realized that it was already pretty late.

"Oh my, we should sleep now, it's already too late," I said to him, and he nodded in response.

"Yeah, you're right," he replied, a tired expression on his face as he yawned slightly..

We both lay on the bed closing our eyes.
After almost 30 minutes of forcing myself to slepi opened my as i was unable to fell asleep..

But I was awake, unable to sleep. I looked at Satoru, and he was already snoring like he had been sleeping for hours.

I laid awake in the darkness, my eyes trained on him as he slept. The sight of him was peaceful and calming, his soft and steady breaths filling the room.

Despite my tiredness, I found myself unable to sleep. I could hear his gentle and peaceful breathing, and I couldn't help but feel a bit envious of how easily he had fallen asleep..


It was almost 2am, and I was still unable to fall asleep. My mind was filled with thoughts and I found myself tossing and turning in the darkness.

Suddenly, I felt a rumble in my stomach, and I realized that I was hungry.

My stomach continued to growl, and I started to wonder if this was the reason why I couldn't fall asleep...


I quietly got up from the bed, tiptoeing outside the room on soundless feet in an effort to avoid waking up Satoru.

I moved slowly and carefully, trying not to make any noise as I made my way out of the room.

My stomach continued to rumble, and I realized that I really needed to get something to eat..

I went inside the kitchen and started to look for something to eat.

I saw the instant cup noodles, and I knew they would be perfect for a quick bite in the middle of the night.

I started to prepare them, pouring hot water into the cup and waiting for them to cook.

Meanwhile, my stomach continued to rumble, and I could smell the delicious aroma of the instant noodles as they were being prepared...

"Cup noodles with some cheese, yum," I mumbled to myself as I took the cup and chopsticks and went back inside the room.

When I walked back in, I was met by the sight of Satoru sitting on the bed with sleepy eyes.

He looked at me and then saw the food in my hands and his face immediately lit up. Did he think it was for him? No!

The food is only mine.. I thought to myself silently.

"I want to eat that too," Satoru responded, his voice tired but whiny. He stared at me with puppy eyes, and I immediately felt annoyed.

Why did he have to wake up? Why couldn't he have just stayed asleep?

I groaned internally, annoyed that I would now have to share my delicious midnight noodles with him..

I was mentally fighting whether to give him or not, but the Satoru had already reached over and grabbed the cup out of my hands, intent on eating it himself.

I quickly grabbed the cup back, fighting to keep him from taking it away from me.

"It's mine, Satoru," I said firmly, determined to make sure that my precious noodles were only for me..

"I'm hungry too," he said with puppy eyes- oops! the blackmailing eyes and a pout, trying to once again use the guilt trip and blackmailing tactic.

I let out a frustrated sigh as he pulled that card yet again.

He took a bite of my precious noodles and hummed in satisfaction, and then he reached out the chopsticks that were holding up the noodles toward me.

"Eat," he commanded..

I took a bite of the noodles, the delicious taste of the noodles and cheese filling my mouth.

Was this an indirect kiss?
I was suddenly unsure, and my heart began to beat a bit faster.

Am I just overreacting or is this a subtle hint at some romantic implications?

I continued to eat the noodles, taking bites from the chopsticks as he fed them to me, and I couldn't help but notice how close his face was to mine.

We were very close, and the proximity made my cheeks heat up with flushness and embarrassment..

After we finished our noodles and went back to bed for sleeping, my heart was also beating a bit faster, and I felt some butterflies in my stomach.

Something about that moment we just shared was a bit thrilling for me, and I was left feeling a bit unsettled and overwhelmed by the sensation.

I couldn't deny that it felt a bit nice, even though it was nothing more than sharing a bite of noodles back and forth with him..

After getting too excited and flustered about what happened between us today, I finally fell asleep as well..

It had been a great day indeed, and I was so happy as well.
Satoru makes me happy!


Hello gumies!

I hope you like the chapter ☁️✨
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Sorry for late!!

Love you all💗🤍!

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