6: Nightmare?

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Your POV


As the middle of the night, I opened my eyes slowly to the sound of Satoru's voice, talking in his sleep. His voice was softly calling out in his dreams, as if he were living through something horrible in his subconscious.

"No, don't steal her...I love her..she's my cat" he said, his voice filled with worry and fear, in his sleep.

Hearing this immediately filled me with concern for him and made me wonder what sort of bad dream he is having. Is he having a Nightmare?.

"P-please don't take her away from me..I love her, she's mine, don't take her away", he continued frantically, as if desperate for someone to listen and help him.

I felt a shiver down my spine as I thought about what he might be dreaming about. His voice was filled with sheer panic and terror, as if he was truly living through a nightmare.

He continued to talk about cats, his voice sounding more and more frantic with every word. He sounded like he was pleading with something in his dream and trying to defend someone or something.

The fact that he was having this nightmare in the middle of the night and that he seemed so concerned about some unnamed person or pet was worrying, and it made me want to know who or what he was talking about.

The thought of his nightmare being related to his past crossed my mind,

What if he's dreaming about his past horrible experience? Which im not sure of..

the idea of him reliving some traumatic experience horrified me.

I debated on whether I should wake him or not before finally making the decision that it would probably be the best thing.

So I decided to wake him gently, not wanting him to get startled. I reached over and softly shook him awake.

"Satoru!.." I whispered, hoping he'd wake up soon..

The second time I shook him, he slowly opened his eyes and sat up on the bed, looking around as if he were still trying to adjust to being awake. His breathing was quick and shallow, and I could tell that he was still a bit disoriented.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly, looking at him with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

He looked at me for a moment, his eyes still full of sleepiness

"I'm fine," he said slowly, his voice sounding a bit rusty...

When you offered him the bottle of water, he took it and slowly drank from it, savoring the hydration. The fact that he was still a bit rusty in his voice told me that he was still slightly dazed from his nightmare.

I sat there for a moment, watching him drink the water and wondering if I should ask him about his nightmare. But before I could decide, he took another sip and looked over at me.

"Thank you," he said quietly, sounding a bit more awake..

When I asked if he was having a nightmare, he became instantly embarrassed and slightly reddened in the face. I could tell that he didn't want to admit anything about it, but the fact that he was still looking away made it clear that something was on his mind.

He seemed hesitant to tell me anything but eventually took a deep breath and sighed.

"It...it was nothing..." he answered, his voice sounding slightly shaken and hesitant..

When I caressed his back, it made him slowly relax and seem to breathe a little easier. He still looked away for a moment before finally turning his eyes up to meet mine.

"Really, it was nothing..." he said with a small chuckle, doing his best to downplay and convince me that it was just a simple nightmare.

But the fact that he had woken up all panicky and sweating made me wonder just how much his nightmare actually affected him..

"Oh it's okay, if you don't want to talk about it now, then we can talk in the morning" I said and he nodded..

After we laid back down on the bed, he quickly turned off the light and we both closed our eyes to drift off back into sleep.

I rolled over to face him, looking at his beautiful face.

He's handsome!

It's surprising to hear that a handsome boy like him is still single

As I closed my eyes, my body felt more relaxed and my heart beat slowly calmed down. I was at peace and content being here with him in this moment.

I continued to admire his face as he turned away to the other side. He looked peaceful in his sleep, his face relaxed and his breathing slow and steady.

I continued to watch him for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being next to him. It was something about the way his facial features looked in the dim light that made him look really beautiful.

After a while, I began to gradually drift off to sleep myself...


Next day

I was laughing my ass off, realizing that I'd been panicking over nothing.

"What's so funny?" he asked, i can say by looking at his face that he was embarrassed and regretting telling me about his dream...


Hello gumies!

I hope you like the chapter ☁️✨
Don't forget to vote & comment!

Im updating early because I won't be able to update chapters for like 1 week because of my fractured hand..
Pls guys i hope you understand..

Love you all💗🤍!


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