1: Who Are You?

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Your POV

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Your POV


The fifteen-year-old Satoru moved a little closer to me and put his hands in his pocket before looking at me from head to toe.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm Y/N, your new handmaiden," I said, feeling a bit nervous under his gaze and looked down to avoid making eye contact.

"Oh, I'm Satoru Gojo, your Master," he said, taking his hand out of his pocket for a handshake.

I nodded and shook my hand with him, and with that, he said something.

"I heard you're fourteen, a year younger than me."

"Yes," I said, biting my lips.

Why the hell am I getting nervous?!

"Hmm, are you sure you will be able to take care of a person who is a year older than you?" He asked out of nowhere, making me think for a bit.

"Um, yes, after all, I'm hired for this," I looked up just to see him staring at me with his big sea-blue colored eyes.

He is so gorgeous!! I didn't expect him to be so handsome!!

Holy shit!

"Then fine, but just know that I'm not that easy to handle," he said with a slight smirk on his face and walked away, leaving me alone.

Why am I feeling a bit weird??

Did I really start to have a crush on him just by looking at him??

No, this can't happen; I'm here for a reason.


I was exploring the mansion, but then I heard a voice from behind. I turned around just to see a pretty woman who seemed like she is in her late 30s.

"Hi, Y/N, you're Master Satoru's new handmaiden, right?" The lady asked me.

I nodded, looking at her with a smile.

"I'm Saori, Master Satoru's old handmaiden. I had been working for him since the day he was born. But now, I think I need a break; that's why I left this job," she said and gave me a smile.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Saori-san," I said to her as she came closer to me.

"I'm also glad to meet you, and yeah, I'm here to tell you about the rules," she said.

"So first, let me tell you about Satoru. He is a bit stubborn; he sometimes will pester you a lot, like calling you in minutes for no reason and asking you to play video games with him," she started telling me about him as I listened to her carefully. Of course, I need to know about him and his habits because from now on, I will be the one taking care of him.

"And yeah, for your information, you will be continuing your school from here," as she told me about this, I couldn't help but ask her.

"So you mean I will be going to school with Satoru?" I asked her, but she looked at me and put her finger on her mouth and said.

"Yes, but you have to call him Master Satoru, not just Satoru, okay?" I looked at her with an 'I understand' look and nodded a bit.

What a headache, huh!

"Okay, Y/N, now let me show you your room," she said and led me to a room and opened the door.

The room was pretty big, and the coloring was blue, with white curtains and a comfy big bed.

"And here is the closet; there are your clothes," she opened the closet just for my surprise. There were plenty of clothes and night suits; the clothes seem like they're my size.

After that, we came out of the- I mean, from now on, my room hehe. She led me to a room next to mine and opened the door.

"It's Satoru's room," she said and led me in.

The room was pretty big and tidy. While I was exploring the room, she asked me something off-topic.

"You're 14, right?" I simply replied 'yes,' but her next statement made my eyes widen.

"Satoru doesn't have any girlfriends besides; you're pretty and also a year younger than him, so..." I choked at her words.

"No way! Don't think of anything like that," I said with wide eyes, as if I'm not interested in him.







She laughed at my reaction and replied.

"Don't worry; I was just kidding," I faked a sigh.

"But trust me, he can make anyone fall for him," she said, her expression changed into a teasing one, and she winked at me.

"I'm not here for something like that," I said and eyed her suspiciously.

Oh, God, I'm flattered, but I'm good at hiding expressions *proud smirk*.

With that, she started to tell me about how to work and the stupid rules and regulations in which I was clearly not interested..


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Your weirdo writer~

His Handmaiden | Gojo Satoru x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora