7: Cat Wife

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Your POV


I continued to watch him for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being next to him. It was something about the way his facial features looked in the dim light that made him look really beautiful.

After a while, I began to gradually drift off to sleep myself...


Next day

I was laughing my ass off, realizing that I'd been panicking over nothing.

"What's so funny?" he asked, i can say by looking at his face that he was embarrassed and regretting telling me about what he dreamed of last night..

I was laughing as i ran away and quickly throw a pillow at his face "i couldn't believe you, you were marrying a cat in your dream?"

"The cat was beautiful, okay?!" He tried to justify, rubbing the red mark on his face where a plush pillow hit. "It was a perfect cat, I swear."

He laughs as i throw a pillow at him, it hits him in the face and he groans playfully. he looks at me and smirks.

"are you mocking me? how am i supposed to get a girlfriend?! cats sound so much better as a companion anyway, they're cute and fluffy." He rolled his eyes.

"But that's hilarious.. now ik why you don't have a girlfriend yet.." i said and laughed more.

He rolls his eyes and looked at me in disbelief, he lets out another groan.

"you're so mean to me, but just so you know: cats are very lovable creatures and they make fantastic pets, they would probably be better than a relationship because i can come home to a cat that will always love me."

I laughed more and hold my mouth trying to control my laughter..

He pulled me close to him playfully, he smirks at me and leans closer to my ear before whispering.


His gesture made my heart skip a beat, I noticed how his gesture was causing my heart to skip a little. It was almost as if he was trying to flirt with me. And, well, it was working..

"Imagine your kids, if you got married with a cat and had kids with her.." i took a deep breath and said, and brust into laughter again.

Hiis face turns red slightly and he blushes at that, he pulls me close even more and whispers in my ear.

"do you know how cute a cat-like baby would be?
little cat ears, cute cat tails, and little paws...
you can't beat that kind of cuteness."

"And the way they would call you 'dad, dad meow" I teased him, while acting like a cat baby.

He laughs as i "meow" like a baby cat.

"that's just adorable, and not to mention, cats are very cuddly and soft, I bet my cat-kid would love to sleep on me, cuddle me, and watch movies. we'd have a very close relationship, you see.
you couldn't ask for a better partner than a cat." He said as if it wasn't something stupid.

"You know what? You are going to die single" i said.

Why i'm a jealous??

Literally with something so stupid..

From a CaT??!!

"Yeah... And I won't have to sleep with you anymore! Your cat wife and kids will be there to comfort you, I'm sure" I said with sarcasm.

"Oh yeah? Cats are way better than humans! You know what? If I could marry one, I would! And I would choose a cat over you any day. You're just a lowly human, while cats are noble creatures with a superior level of intelligence that humans lack." He said.

I looked at him in disbelief before saying

"Are you really that dull? No way in hell I would ever marry you!"

This guy!!

His face dropped as he looked at me and then replied with a smirk now on his face.

"Oh yeah? Well I don't care if you don't want me! No one can ever get enough of me! Everyone thinks I'm the most attractive person in the world and they all want me. You're just jealous because I'm so good looking, powerful and you're not!"

"Tsk. Jealous of you? My ass" I said while gritting my teeth.

"You're just jealous because you can never compare to how awesome I am. You're just a dull, boring, lame, useless person who no one could ever love. You'll never have what I have, and I bet that makes you so angry that you can't sleep at night. Just admit it, you're jealous. I'm perfect." He said it with a cocky and playful tone, as if he's just messing around and knows that he can make you angry whenever he wants to.

Satoru's accusation struck a nerve, causing a flashback to my painful past, where no one had ever loved me. I felt my emotions begin to rise and tears start to form in my eyes. I struggled to keep my composed, but the words cut deep and touched a raw spot in my heart..

He instantly realized he had struck a nerve. He felt guilty for taking things too far, but it was too late now.

He softened his expression and tone of voice a bit, but he still had trouble apologizing. "Look... I'm sorry for being so mean... I just got carried away with my teasing. I didn't mean to go too far and bring up something like that, and I'm sorry I made it worse. I am genuinely sorry."


Hello guys✨
Im your weirdo admin ~

Hope you like the chapter
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Gumies! Luv you! 💗☁️

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