8: Sorry!

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Your POV

"But dad-" Before i could complete my sentence i got interrupted by my dad.

"Shut up! "Shut up! I wish you had died the day you were born." My dad abruptly yelled at me cutting me off in mid sentence.

"You're just a loser and a blemish to me.. A non-sorcerer.."

At only seven years old, i was too young to truly understand what my father meant, but the words hurt all the same..

"But dad-, just please don't hate me, it's not my fault" I cried.

My dad pulled me into the basement, gripping my wrist tightly as I struggled to get away. The cold, musty air filled my lungs. I was filled with dread, knowing what my dad was capable of doing when he was angry.

My dad looked down at me, his expression hard. "You know what I don't care. Your gonna be punished for being like this" he said, his voice low and menacing.

I shivered, my stomach twisting with fear and grief. This wasn't the first time this had happened, and it surely wasn't the last.

He released my wrist, but still had a firm grip on my shoulder. I knew there was no point in resisting him now.

I looked up at him, my eyes filling with tears. I was about to beg, plead, anything to try to get out of this. But before I could say anything, my dad spoke again..

My dad usually beat me when I didn't listen to him, but today the reason was different. He had somehow found out that I was a non-sorcerer, and that was a big no-no for him.

He looked even more upset now, his eyes filled with disdain. "You don't deserve to be my daughter," he said.

I flinched, my heart pounding in my chest as I braced myself for the beating that I knew was about to come.

"It's not my fault dad. Please"

"Shut up," he shouted, his voice filled with fury. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is. You're a disgrace, and you don't deserve to live here."

I flinched again, my hands clamming into fists as I tried to suppress my fear. I wanted to say something back, but I knew it was pointless. There was no talking to him when he was like this..

"I should have just kicked you out of this house a long time ago," he continued, his voice getting louder with every word. "You're dead weight, a burden, a useless waste of space. And literally disappointment to our clan"

I could feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes, my throat tightening with the effort to hold them back. My vision started to blur, and my stomach twisted with nausea.

He beat me with the leather Hunter Rope, it was ten times harsher and rougher than before. He beat me until I passed out from the pain.


I snapped back to the present, hearing Satoru's voice as he apologized for what he had said to me. It was a jarring contrast to the vivid memories that had just been playing in my head, and I took a deep breath to compose myself..

He softened his expression and tone of voice a bit, but he still had trouble apologizing. "Look... I'm sorry for being so mean... I just got carried away with my teasing. I didn't mean to go too far and bring up something like that, and I'm sorry I made it worse. I am genuinely sorry."

Satoru still had trouble saying the words out loud due to his guilt and shame, but he was trying to show his genuine remorse for what he had said.

He wanted to make things right and make sure that I knew he didn't mean to hurt me, but he knew it would take time before I trusted him again.

"Look... I'm sorry for being so mean... I just got carried away with my teasing."

I remained quiet, the memory of my past still lingering in my mind and affecting my mood.

I was still feeling the lingering emotions of sadness and guilt that had been triggered by MY flashback.

Satoru's apology, while sincere, didn't seem to be enough to change my mood or make me feel any better.

I stayed silent, my thoughts still filled with the memory of my past. It was hard to shake off the feeling of fear and grief that I had felt while reliving those memories.

I was almost detached from the present, unable to pay attention to what Satoru was saying because my mind was still consumed with those painful reminders.

I felt Satoru's hand on my shoulder, lifting my chin gently. He wiped my tears away with his hand, and I couldn't help but feel a bit caught off guard by his kindness.

"I'm sorry," he said again, his tone softer this time. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

I was surprised at how gentle and caring he was being towards me. It was a stark contrast to how my father had treated me during those painful memories.

I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself and shake off the lingering feelings of fear and grief. As his hand touched my face, I felt a spark of solace and comfort..

I shook my head slightly and got up without saying anything. I was not in the mood to talk anymore, my mind still consumed with the painful memories that I had just relived.

I wanted to be alone, to take some time to process everything that had just happened. Satoru's kind words had given me some comfort and solace, but the grief and trauma still lingered..

As I turned to leave, I heard him call out to me, his voice slightly concerned.

"Wait," he said, but I just kept walking. I didn't want to talk right now, I needed time to myself to process what had happened before. He probably wanted to apologize or say more kind words but I didn't want that, at least not right now..


Hello guys✨
Im your weirdo admin~

Currently, I am working on a new fanfiction called "Seeking Desire" centered around Toji Fushiguro. It will be published soon, so please stay tuned!

Hope you like the chapter
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Luv you! Gumies!💗☁️

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