Chapter Fourteen - Him

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Jason awoke in a hospital bed, feeling bandages plastered onto his forehead. He had no recollection of what had happened. All he was emotionally feeling was confusion. Next to him stood his mother, who was in tears. She had Jason's phone in her hands, but it was useless: scratched and scathed all over.

Jason rubbed his face, groaning and wincing at the same time, hardly able to move his body. "M-Ma..?" He grabbed onto his throat, coughing. He tried sitting up, but failed almost immediately. Instead, he laid back, until a doctor had rushed over and lifted him to sit up.

"You're alive... That's good. Your head was bleeding pretty badly..."

"What happened? Why... Why am I here? Who brought me here?..."

"You don't remember?" The doctor had asked him, keeping Jason propped up. "We were told your head hit concrete after getting stopped from a suicidal attempt."

"Who told you?" He stared, not remembering anything at all about this suicidal attempt that he apparently had. Everything was hazy, so it was no use to even try and remember. When the doctor hadn't replied, he turned to face his mother. "Ma, who told them?" There was desperation in his voice.

"I'm sorry, but... Only they know."

He stared, then looked over at the doctor yet again. "Please, who told you? What idiot stopped me from killing myself that ni-!"

"Emil Harbroken."

Jason froze. Emil? No... No he's dead! A different 'Emil Harbroken', right? He couldn't have just... Been alive this entire time! It's impossible!

"He wanted me to tell you that he's sorry for all the pain he has ended up causing you, and hopes you understand. He had to leave prior to you waking up, I'm afraid, and said nothing about his whereabouts."

"Is he avoiding me?" Jason's voice cracked, staring down and beginning to shake. "Does he hate me?..."

His mother had immediately chimed in with worry filling in her voice. It would make sense, considering she was the mother of a child who had just attempted, nearly succeeding... if it wasn't for Emil. "No, darling, of course he doesn't hate you." 

"Then why did he fake his death? Why did he only arrive when I was so close to killing myself to supposedly be with him? Why is he gone again? Didn't he want to see me when I awoke? I might not see him again for fucks sake! It's all useless, I shouldn't be here. I should have died at that bridge and we all know it!"

His mother stared at him for a few more seconds before completely snapping at him. "Now I know damn well you knew he had his reasons to fake his death, especially if he didn't even tell you! Honestly, if you're going to be like this, maybe Emil shouldn't have saved you! You would have gotten what you wanted, wouldn't you have? Keep acting like this, and you'll be sent to a mental hospital when you're fully recovered and out of here! I'm being serious, the second you step out of here, I'll-!" 

The doctor next to her had quickly grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back a bit more away from Jason than she already was. "Kristina Reed, you must calm yourself! This isn't the place to have a fit, especially when your son is recovering like this! He's hardly aware of his surroundings, and I'm sure this yelling of yours isn't helping him." 

Kristina pulled herself away from the doctor, glaring at him. "Fine, I'll leave, then. Make sure he stays alive, will you?" Her tone wasn't filled with worry like it had been after her sudden but somewhat reasonable outburst; it was more dry and monotone instead. With that, she had left the room, around the corner, not even looking at Jason once. 

Jason hadn't audibly spoken the entire time, but was instead too busy crying nonstop and shaking. He kept muttering things to himself, blaming himself for everything that was currently happening. Things such as "it's all my fault", and "I should have died". 

He turned around back to face Jason, immediately getting worried. He checked his monitor, everything spiking up at a fast pace. He clearly wasn't doing good, with having just been yelled at by the one person he wouldn't have thought would ever yell at him. 


Shortly after calming down, Jason was tired, but was refusing to sleep. The doctor that would stay in the room with him that his mother had also calmed down, but felt too guilty to come back and visit him. He wasn't surprised, but only shrugged it off. "When do I get out of here?" He asked, his voice low. 

The doctor responded with a sigh. "Up to a week, Jason...because of your head. We're still finding some remnants of dry blood, and it's very easy to bleed with your condition." 

"I want Emil back." Jason had ignored everything the doctor had said prior to his question. "I want him back, he was here, I want him again. I just want to see him, I didn't see him when he helped me up. I passed out before, and I didn't get to see his beautiful face... and now he's gone again, and I don't know where he could possibly be." He began to cry, wiping his face but only began to cry worse and worse. 

"I know you do. He seems like an amazing young man. You graduated not too long ago, right? You want to tell me the story about everything?" 

Jason sighed as he laid more down against the bed pillows. "He faked his death around two weeks before graduation. I fell into a deep depression, because I was told by the doctors that he was abused to death by his father, and that he got killed from it. Then you know the rest." He mumbled, not wanting to think about it. "I don't want to blame him, but he could have at least let me know about his plan. He could have at least told me he was perfectly fine and alive, amazingly well. He could have at least told me he loved me before doing anything stupid." 

"I'm sure he had a reason, as your mother had said." 

"Maybe he did, but maybe he didn't. And I don't know when I'll even be able to see him again." 


End of Chapter Fourteen - Him
Total Word End Count - 1070 Words

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