future brother-in-law
what do you mean he struggles with
keeping faith in himself?
he's an amazing player
why would he doubt himself?

future sister-in-law
it's probably not my place to say this but
he told me that he gets into these
phases sometimes where he starts
overthinking and even considers
quitting football

future brother-in-law
wait what?
is that how he really thinks?
why wouldn't he speak to me about it?

future sister-in-law
i hate to break it to you but your success
is part of the trigger
so you're not really the best person to
speak to about it yk
it's not that he puts pressure on himself
to be as successful as you are
it's that the fans, haters and media that
keep comparing him to you which
pulls him down mentally
he doesn't blame you and he's really
proud of you
but it doesn't help his situation

future brother-in-law
i can't believe i've been this blind
fuck training
i'm taking the next flight to england
there's no way i'm letting him keep me
out of his struggles

future brother-in-law went offline

future sister-in-law
jude wtf do think you're doing
don't book a flight
you can't just bail on training

future brother-in-law is back online

future brother-in-law
there's actually a flight to newcastle leaving
in two hours
i could make that
i just have to tell mum and dad

future sister-in-law
jude stop
don't go insane now
i know you just want to help jobe but just
flying over here probably won't do that
just tell me how i can get through to
your brother

future brother-in-law
okay fine
you have to do something though
go over to the house tomorrow and try
to talk to him in person
you're the only one he fully trust
there's a spare key in the little locker
box next to the mailbox
the code is 240799
just press those numbers and you'll
get the key

future sister-in-law
thanks jude
you're a really good brother
i can't believe you actually considered
ditching training and hopping on the
next flight to england

future brother-in-law
jobe's my brother
of course i would i love him
don't tell him i said that💀
and thank you for caring so much
about him
you're a good girlfriend
he's lucky to have you

future sister-in-law
alright don't get all sentimental on me now

future brother-in-law
shut it
just be there for him
and keep me updated

future sister-in-law
i will


The next day:

I hate waiting. I want to go over to Jobe's house like right now but guess who's stuck in school? Me. But Jobe's in training now so I would have to wait anyways. Well, at least I think he's in training. He hasn't responded yet to the text I send him earlier this morning. All I can do for now is sit through my lessons before I can drive to his place.

Just as I'm trying to push my thoughts about Jobe away and focus on my math teacher instead I get a text from my brother. Weird. Why would he text me? He should be in training right now.



okay don't freak out
i hate to say this but maybe you were
right about jobe
he hasn't shown up for training today
the gaffer said he called in sick
but jobe never misses training
i already tried texting him but i got nothing
sorry to just spring this on you
i thought you should know though
don't do anything stupid like cutting classes
or something
you can go over to his place when you finish school for today
gotta go now
i don't want to be late for training


Even though I don't want to I have to listen to my brother. I can't just skip the rest of school today no matter how much I want to leave right now. And I know I sound stupid caring about school in this situation but it's not like Jobe's going anywhere. If he's really sick he'll stay at home anyway.

So as much as it pains me I stay seated and work myself through the rest of the school day. What I can do right now though is send Jobe a text. I doubt he'll respond but I still do it.



hey baby
mason told me you called in sick
you okay?
i'll come over once school's done


i know it's late but i'm bored so i finished this chapter.
and since i've got nothing else to do i'll just publish it now.
so double update for today ig🤷🏼‍♀️.
plus a bit of a cliffhanger cause why not lol.
hope you enjoy this one.
next chapter will be out hopefully soon.
see you then.
love yous💕

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