Iroha x Protective Reader

67 3 10

(Requested by @YutA8938)

-Reader thinks Iroha is the most amazing thing ever, and would do anything for her.

-Sometimes Iroha will wake up and Reader will just hug her and not let her get up for about another hour.

-When going out in public, you two always hold hands, so when Iroha runs off when seeing something she likes, Reader can easily keep Iroha near them.

-Anyone hurts Iroha? Whether physically, emotionally, or mentally, that person is going to walk away crying, whether the reader uses their words or their fists is up to you.

-Little spoon Iroha little spoon Iroha little spoon Iroha little sp- you get the point.

-Iroha 's family was, well, never supportive of her manga drawings, so Reader tends to make extra sure to compliment her manga/anime drawings.

-Piggyback rides. Reader could be 2 feet tall and still give Iroha piggyback rides.

-Reader and Iroha will go to conventions and have matching cosplays! (Iroha never goes to conventions alone anymore because 1, she has someone who wants to go with her, 2, Reader will literally not let her leave until they're allowed to come with.

(It's reaaaaally short, I'm sorry, I couldn't think of too many-)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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