Human Brain - The non-scientific way

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The Memory

I have been studying human nervous system for a while now and the brain has always been mesmerizing for me. I mean, I always think, how does it store, where does it store and the scientific way just bored me out, so I started thinking and dreaming how would be our brain's memory the 'non-scientific way' and I think I have the answer.

So, when someone says 'memory' or related to it, my brain just starts imagining a file storage system, where all of our memories are preserved and there is a floating entity, flying around the entire place all by himself. When we try to recall about something, the entity, let's call him joe. So, Joe will run around the place looking for the exact memory we're looking for and then he tries reading it and gives us the info about that memory. Also, if the thing we're trying to remember is not clear, or you don't remember it clearly, Joe would find it hard to read it out, like someone wrote that memory in a bad handwriting (definitely not me).

Since, our memory is unclear for Joe to read, we eat almonds to help ourselves get development in memorizing more things and help him to understand the worst of the handwritings he must have seen in all of his lives. It must be common for us to by mistake remember the things that are not that important than others.

Take my example, I can recall the names of all Indian cars, the companies they belong to, and their appearances just by looking at them from any angle, but never really get a 4-line question's answer learn for my tests. I try to learn them but it was never possible. Whenever my dad likes a car on the road, he asks me, "Hey, what is that car's name?" and then I go like, "Hmm...." And then Joe starts running in my brain at like light's speed to get result. I don't want to flex, but I actually have a pretty good memory, maybe just because of my love for almonds (They're the best dry fruits).

Joe just suggested me to share more about dry fruits since we're on that topic, that according to me, the best pairs of dry fruits that taste good together are- Dried figs & almonds, cashew nut & golden raisins, almonds & black raisins, golden raisins & walnuts. I suggest you to try these combos, and, you might just never eat your dry fruits the old way you used to.

Names. It is a difficult topic when it comes to remembering someone's name. In this case, Joe would often take time to either remember his name, or say, "I've seen you somewhere...I know you're a person I've met before...but I just don't remember your name" but after all, names are just the types of pronunciations that we produce to attract their attention, so we don't really remember their names, we remember the way of shaping the voice to get their attention.

Some of our memories, they are like files stored in golden sealed cases, kept distinct from the other normal memories. They are kept in special cases because they are meant to be so. A special memory of mine is when I was in my pre-school, in the underground library with other children all around me, wearing yellow shirts and blue jeans. Tables, that were of our height were kept in the middle, to the wall, were cupboards filled with books, the wall, was pink, some thick metal net on the boundary of the floor, and the walls, the smell, it is all so good, it is what makes me go visit it again. The best part of it was that it was underground. It was thee best.

When I was in senior kindergarten, we had our class on the next floor. The stairs were always cold, they made my hands always cool, they always helped me feel comfortable. The view outside the class was beautiful, during that time, no one was using using computers to have meetings, everyone would gather and have the talk (Thanks to Corona!).

Back then, I was playing the role of Jatayu for our skit of Ramayana. My mom had used her black shawl for me as my wings, I also remember that she had used a safety pin to keep it intact. It was all so good; my eyes were flooded when I was writing this. I also remember that we (pre-primary students) had a party on the occasion of Holi in the center of the campus, and I was covered in blue colour, roaming around the entire place all by myself, feeling the wind on my body...

I still remember a photo of younger me sitting on the stairs of a building in Nagpur, the wall had the window with holes in it.

The Dreaming

When we go to bed and sleep, Joe, on the other side, wakes up and goes for his adventures, someday, he went on to trekking and got stuck in between a giant robot and a dinosaur who were having a fight. The robot smacks the dinosaur so hard that he went flying and made that star effect. After throwing the dinosaur out, the robot now went for Joe, who was barely the size of the robot's foot. As soon as Joe was going to get squished, we wake up. Don't worry, Joe never dies, he just needs to inflate himself to normal and he's young as the day. When it's time for Joe to sleep, we wake up and do our tasks, where we're mortals. I often imagine that Joe might be sleeping in those CT scanners to help him have a good dream, or help him sleep. When I first thought about this, I asked about this to myself that, 'What if there are others that are sleeping on the CT scanners?' this made me question our reality, and here we are! Reading about this fully functioning world that I made from one single question.

What I think of dreaming is that, we work, that is the people, work hand-in-hand with Joe and others to help each other dream, in order to keep that flame of creativity burning. If creativity dies, we forget what it would be like in other cases in a scenario, living another life in some or the other conditions we think of and apply.

Dreaming, is what helps me write stories; it helps me imagine even more. Whenever I get the chance in my English language exam to write essays from the given four topics, I always take the one which says to write a story. By doing so, I exercise my brain to dream of a life in that given case to imagine, so that it is not difficult for me to write on any topic I am given, plus, I can write so much, that will satisfy me, and over-satisfy the examiner (What? I just want the reader to feel amazed by my work).

The Imagining

When I am told to imagine something, I imagine it perfectly but have problems in depicting it. For example, when I think of producing a piece of music from the genre phonk, I can make one in my head perfectly, but when I go to make it in my software from scratch, it's very difficult and I quit. But I still make from the samples I have.

When I imagine a person's portrait that is completely not plagiarized, I finish the drawing by drawing a stickman. It always felt so sad that I could not achieve something that many could do, but at the same time felt happy for being able to imagine on my own. I can imagine something from a different angle, using the knowledge I have stored in my filing cabinets. I can imagine things not being in a picture, like remove crowd from the picture and imagine it in my head, keeping my eyes closed. I had this ability since a long back when AIs like Dall-E didn't even exist, but I never knew how to do the same in photoshop, and even if I did, I would forget it.

Do you remember me telling you I remember a photo of younger me sitting on stairs? Yeah, about that, I can imagine things from the younger Me's point of view as well even if I don't have a single bit of memory, or imagine a whole 3-storey building, where there is my mom standing, taking my picture, and seeing her smile, or see from her point of view. There are lots of things that even I don't remember I can do, so, I'll stop this here, I hope you liked being around in my head.


Human Brain - The non-scientific wayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin