everything everywhere all at once

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As Lee Know grappled with the aftermath of discovering Jungkook's betrayal, the weight of his emotions threatened to engulf him entirely. Each day seemed to stretch on endlessly, a relentless cycle of pain and despair that left him feeling adrift in a sea of darkness.

The decision to block Jungkook from every platform had been a desperate attempt to shield himself from further heartache. But even as he sought to protect himself from the source of his anguish, Lee Know found himself sinking deeper into the abyss of his own despair.

In the solitude of his thoughts, Lee Know wrestled with his inner demons, the relentless voice of self-doubt echoing in his mind like a cruel taunt. "You're weak," it whispered, its words like daggers to his already wounded soul. "You don't deserve happiness."

Each interaction with Jungkook served as a painful reminder of the love he had lost, the ache of longing twisting like a knife in his heart. He missed the warmth of Jungkook's embrace, the sound of his laughter, the way his eyes sparkled with mischief.

And then there was Eunwoo, the one who had once been his rock in times of trouble. The thought of his absence cut Lee Know to the core, leaving him feeling more alone than ever before. He longed to reach out to Eunwoo, to seek solace in his comforting presence, but the weight of his own self-loathing held him back.

Each night, sleep eluded him, his mind plagued by restless thoughts and haunting memories. He tossed and turned in his bed, the darkness of his room a stark reflection of the emptiness that consumed him from within.

The once vibrant and energetic Lee Know was now a mere shadow of his former self. His appetite waned, and he found himself unable to stomach even the simplest of meals. The mirror became his enemy, each reflection a harsh reminder of the person he had become.

The support of his two pillars had been ripped away from him, leaving him adrift in a sea of loneliness and despair. And as the pressure mounted, Lee Know found himself unable to cope, his body betraying him with each passing day.

During one of their performances, the weight of his depression became too much to bear. His movements were sluggish, his steps faltering as he struggled to keep up with the choreography, and he did some steps wrong which made the few other members do the same mistake. It was chaos.
The disappointment in his colleagues' eyes was like a dagger to his heart, a painful confirmation of his own inadequacy.

"Lee Know, you are supposed to be the reliable one, are you sure you can keep the place of the 'Dance leader'?" Chan's words echoed in his ears, a stark reminder of his own failings.

"Hyung, it's okay." Changbin said feeling the anger in Chan's voice.

"No it's not... Today was very important. I would have said nothing... But you came back drinking last night...LEE KNOW! You were not in the last practice! And obviously you made a mistake... You have brought the team down today!" Chan continued. The members kept trying to cool him down.

"I know! I know! I am pathetic! Just throw me out of the team! How about that!" Lee know now started to scream.

"Maybe I will if you keep failing to separate your personal life from your professional one!!!" That was the last thing Lee Know heard from Chan as he left the room.

With each passing moment, Lee Know felt like he was drowning, the weight of his depression crushing him from all sides.

As he collapsed onto the cold tile floor of the restroom, tears streaming down his face, Lee Know felt the crushing weight of his own inadequacy pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. In that moment of utter despair, he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find a way to break free from the grip of his depression. The thought of being trapped in this endless cycle of pain and self-loathing was almost too much to bear.

That's when lee know saw the blade on one of the shelves. As Lee Know's world spiraled into darkness, the blade in his trembling hand seemed to offer a sliver of relief from the suffocating weight of his despair. Each cut sliced through the fog of his mind, granting him a fleeting moment of clarity amidst the chaos of his thoughts. The pain, sharp and visceral, became his only anchor to reality, grounding him in the present moment.

But as the blood welled up from the wounds on his skin, Lee Know's sense of control slipped away, replaced by a growing sense of panic and regret. With each new gash, the pain intensified, morphing from a source of release into an insatiable hunger that threatened to consume him entirely.

In a desperate bid to escape the darkness that threatened to swallow him whole, Lee Know tried to push himself upright, but his body refused to obey his commands. Weakness flooded his limbs, leaving him slumped against the cold tile floor, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

His vision swam before his eyes, the edges tinged with black as dizziness washed over him in relentless waves. The world seemed to spin out of control, blurring into a hazy blur of colors and shapes.

Just as he felt himself slipping further into the abyss, the shrill ring of his phone pierced through the silence, jolting him back to reality. With trembling hands, he reached for the device, his fingers fumbling clumsily over the screen.

"Minho-yah!" Eunwoo's voice cut through the static, a lifeline in the darkness. The sound of his name was like a beacon of hope, a reminder that he was not alone in his struggle. "Hyung, help!" Lee Know mumbled, his voice barely a whisper as he felt consciousness slipping away.

And then, darkness consumed him, swallowing him whole as he succumbed to the oblivion of unconsciousness. In that moment, all he could do was pray that help would come before it was too late. The echoes of his own despair reverberated in the emptiness, a haunting reminder of the depths of his own anguish.

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Cha Eun woo x Lee Know x Jungkook : I found him firstWhere stories live. Discover now