I am dreaming for sure!

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"Ummm...my head hurts...fuck!" Lee Know slowly opened his eyes with a groan. The room is too bright. His room is always dark as he always has the curtains down. It took him a few moments to realize that he was not home. And he literally jumped off the bed when he realized that. He looked down and checked if he still had his clothes intact.

"Thank god!" He said releasing a breath of relief.

"Last night you were amazing!" someone said from behind. Lee Know jumped off and looked behind like a cat, and found Jungkook laughing at him.

Jungkook was wearing a black oversized T-shirt and shorts, he had wet hair and damn! he looked HOT. Lee know found himself staring at the hot male.

"Like what you see!" Jungkook said.

Lee Know blushed and whined, "Sunbae!!!"

"I know I am perfect...you said that like 100 times last night!" Jungkook said with a chuckle.

"AAAAAAA...sorry sunbae... I don't why I drank this much."

"It's okay. I pushed you. And you were so cute. Don't let people see you drunk!" 

Lee know blushed more. But he felt the pain in his again and he started to feel dizzy too. He held his head to control the dizziness. Jungkook came closer and grabbed him by shoulder and led him to the bed and made him sit down.

"You don't look good..." Jungkook said.

"...just a hangover i guess!"

"Okay you sit here!!! I have made soup...It will help and then some medicine I guess!"

Jungkook was about to get up but Lee Know grabbed his hand.

"It's okay." Lee Know mumbled. "I will wash up and come out."

Jungkook ruffled the younger's hair. Lee Know whined in response.

"Just sit." Giving a smile, Jungkook left.

Lee Know sighed. His head felt really heavy. So he threw himself on the bed again. he looked up at ceiling, thinking about the things that had been going on. He was on the bed of THE GREAT JEON JUNGKOOK- HIS ROLE MODEL!!! He closed his eyes. He knew he was blushing like a fool.

He got up as he heard footsteps. Jungkook came in with a tray that had two bowls of soup.

"I did not make it by the way... I ordered them." Jungkook said while handing over a bowl to Lee Know. Lee Know nodded and started to drink. I felt good. When they were done Jungkook got up and brought the medicine and a glass of water. Then he brought coffee for both of them. 

"Sunbae!... I feel so bad... you are doing all these for me." Lee know said fidgeting his fingers.

"I like you i guess." Jungkook said slowly. But Lee Know heard him. His big eyes went wide open.

Jungkook chuckled at the younger's reaction.

"You had so many calls all night. I got annoyed and left the phone in the living room under the sofa!" Jungkook said breaking the silence.

"You what!" Lee Know said with a chuckle.

Jungkook went and brought his phone. And Lee know had like 25 missed calls and so many massages. Most of them were from Chan and Eunwoo and also his other members and his manager. 'They must have been really worried' Lee Know thought.

"Eunwoo called me when he couldn't reach you...and told me that he will kill me if I tried anything. Otherwise I wouldn't have hold myself back...you know? You looked so pretty." Jungkook said leaning closer to Lee Know, he brushed off Lee Know's bangs and touched his cheek.

Lee Know froze. He stuttered. "Sunbae?"

Jungkook kissed him on the cheek. And then sighed. "I wish you didn't call me sunbae!"

Lee Know was red. He was red like a tomato. He didn't know how to react. 'Is he messing with me or is he serious!' He thought.

He came back to his senses as Jungkook started to chuckle. Lee Know felt so embarrassed that he stood up.

"I should go" He declared.

"What! Why!!!! I am all alone today!" Jungkook whined. Lee know could not stop himself from chuckling as his sunbae was acting cute.

"Sunbae... I have schedule!!!"

Jungkook sighed. "Well we can't change that!"

Lee Know went to the bathroom and freshened up a little bit. 

"Thank you for everything sunbae! And I am sorry for being a nuisance last night!" Lee Know said as he was putting on his shoes. 

Jungkook grabbed his hand. Lee Know looked at Jungkook being surprised.

"I don't have your number." Jungkook said raising his phone.

Lee know chuckled and gave him his number. Jungkook then hugged him, kissed him on the head for an unnecessary long time, leaving the short male surprised.

"I will call you." Jungkook said with a smirk.

Lee Know just nodded not being able to digest what just happened. 

"Goodbye sunbae!"

'I am dreaming for sure!' Lee Know mumbled.

Cha Eun woo x Lee Know x Jungkook : I found him firstWhere stories live. Discover now