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The dark night, the sound of cicadas resonates within my ears, the swing of fate, a drop of rain fell into my head, the uneasiness of thinking ellipses around my mind, a blow of wind, a hand of loneliness appears behind me caressing my hair, a whisper of her, and I just took it all.

Days like this are natural, a routine of mine that just kept on going. A cycle of thoughts and thinking happens inside my brain while i drown in the deep waters of despair. Frantic may it be, I can hear someone behind me saying that i should just give up, well I don't care really since I just live alone.
I sat in a wooden platform which I call the supreme citadel because it's the only place inside the house that i liked very much. The lantern beside me keeps me away from the phantom standing near that big oak tree. Sometimes I offer him a puff of cigar but he won't respond, or i might've been confused whether it is a man or a woman.
The night sure is peaceful regardless of anything, you can see everything in the sky. The innocent stars, the painful moon, and the body hanging on the clouds. I am convinced that this day might be the last, a sudden outrage, a memory from the past. I picked up the knife lying on the counter of the messy kitchen and stab my left side of my body. I missed the vital parts of course, I'm afraid to die and yet I seek to be one. The pain that comes from the wound of the past hurts the most rather than the wound inflicted by the sinful knife, blood flows in my body, a handful of blood. What a wonderful sight, a befitting of pain, this will ease and cover up my darkest curse.
Dizziness comes into sight, I stumble to the ground as I helplessly crawl back to the room where her pictures resides.

"My medicine, oh Beatrix, your image tends my unintentional wounds of destruction."

I grabbed the frame of her, a stunning, remedy of agony is within my grasp. As I held into her painting. The illusion of pain slowly disappears. Crippling pain vanishes and yet the tears pouring from my eyes are seemingly unfettered as I hoped to be cured. A pool of blood can be seen, even a fish can swim in it. The scarlet colored vein of pain disintegrates and seeps deep inside the wooden floor as I desperately groan in torture. An endless sharp blades penetrates my vulnerable heart made up of glass, a speck of dust fills my throat as I was about to cry in discomfort. A bloody hand is trying to reach a cup of impious water for the reason of purifying the tainted mouth. A mouthful of water, clears my throat. And suddenly, a deep voice I heard in front of me.
"Give up, or just die."
I scoffs aside his sophistry, and I said.
"You must be insane, do you really think I would?"
The towering figure responds.
"No, you are the one who's insane."

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