Comedic Oneshot

143 6 32


In which Kyouka Jirou and Momo Yaoyorozu find themselves in a particular scenario, on their last two weeks of highschool.

Content Warning: implied mature content, implied kinks, dirty jokes


Kyouka scrambled around the familiar room, looking through every drawer Momo had. Her hands picking up discarded articles of clothing and throwing them onto the bed. She crossed to the other side of the room, Momo watching her as she paced back and forth. She opened the closet door, scanning through the organised clothes, opening a dresser to look through it. Some of her clothes were already packed away in a suitcase. A couple of them in the corner of the closet. Kyouka bent down and looked through the next drawer.

"I don't think it's there, sweetie," Momo piped up from the bed.

Kyouka glanced at Momo, as she awkwardly sat on her bed, twiddling her fingers around. "Well, it has to be somewhere." Kyouka remarked. "You never lose stuff. Especially, not a key."

Momo sighed, laying back down as the pillows propped her head up. She craned her head to look at Kyouka from behind. "Maybe try underneath the bed?" She suggested, turning over to the side as she glanced at the floor, as if she'd be able to see anything. She propped herself back up, using her elbows and feet to push herself forward. Her hands moving towards her bedside table. She continued to struggle and futz around with the charger cord, as she unplugged her phone. "Here." She attempted to throw the phone to the side of the bed, watching as it barely moved and rather flipped over.

Kyouka frowned as she saw Momo struggling in her confined state. She sat awkwardly, naked, her wrists bound in handcuffs as she could only move her hands up and down. Kyouka closed the closet door, moving to her girlfriend as she climbed onto the bed. Kyouka only had a shirt on, her pants somewhere near the end of the bed. Most of the clothes that she picked up earlier were Momo's, to which the latter would only struggle to put back on. Especially her shirt.

"Don't tug on it so much," she sighed. She gently moved one side of the cuffs down her wrist, checking to see if they were red. It was silly, even though they both consented to it, she couldn't help but feel bad. Especially since Momo looked so uncomfortable now. "Does it hurt?" She asked, as she moved to the other hand, noticing a reddening spot directly below her thumb on her wrist.

Momo huffed endearingly as she smiled at her. "You never hurt me. I promise." She tilted her head as Kyouka lovingly cupped her cheek. "Don't forget that I wanted this too," she reassured her. Her head moved down to kiss Kyouka's palm. "It's okay and I'm okay. So go check underneath the bed, alright?"

Kyouka groaned. "Fine," she grabbed Momo's phone, turning on the flashlight as she moved off the bed.

She bent down onto her knees, one of her elbows onto the hardwood floor. Her free hand holding the flashlight as she looked underneath the bed. "How is the floor underneath your bed, unbelievably clean?" Kyouka joked as she stuck her head back up.

Momo lightly chuckled. "Did you find anything?"

"No," Kyouka sighed. "How are we supposed to get you out of those?" She asked, a lace of worry starting to become evident in her voice. "Can't you like create a key or something?"

"Kyouka, I haven't looked at that key nearly long enough to make a copy," she frowned. "They have to be exact, so they're a lot harder to make." She leaned her head back staring at the ceiling.

A short moment of silence followed them as they tried to think up a solution, one that didn't require calling for somebody's help.

"Is there any way your ear jacks can help?" Momo asked. "Maybe it can somehow put enough pressure that it loosens the handcuffs.”

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