Chapter 4

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Did he just... Walk away? He didn't even acknowledge that I was there and not to mention Jackson was gone. He literally sprited from whatever Zach said. "Loly!!" Someone screams behind me, I turn around expecting to see my brother, of course he's the only one who calls me that.

"Hey Lukey, nice party"

"Thanks! Was all Zach though, he's the one who knows people. Is um... Juli here?" His eyes seach the crowd.

"Yeah I'm sure she's here somewhere"

"Lola!" I turn and see Juli and behind her is some guy clinging onto her hand and his eyes deepen with lust, I'm not going home tonight at I?

"Hey um, is it ok if you like don't come home, I got some... Company" she gives me the 'im getting laid look' I playfully roll my eyes, "hey Luke is it ok if I stay here?" I turn and face my brother. Poor guy looks like his hearts been broken, I shoot him the 'you ok look' he brushes off and says "yes sure" and head off into the crowd of people

"Ok thanks love you babes have a good night!" Juli blows a few kisses than leaves with the guy.

I'm a very outgoing person, when I'm with my friends but on my own, I'm on my own, normally people watching and making up stories about people's lives. I'm boring like that. "Bro this party's so boring" some girl beside me says, "yeah tell me about it, I'm only here for the food" I say turning to face her, however I'm not sure she's talking to me.

Shes got blue eyes and brown curly hair, damn she's gorgeous. She's a bit shorter than me, 5'6 give or take, great boobs and great ass and she know it. "Hi, I'm Cherry!" Her voice is a little higher than I expected.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lola" I say back to her with a nice smile than turning to face a crowd. "I've never see you at any of these parties before" I turn back to face her. Small talk, I got this, new friend incoming.

"Yeah I just transferred"

"Oh nice from where?"

"Um, I don't think you'd know"

"Oh, ok" she smiles and give me a almost pity look. I think she thinks I'm dumb?

"So see any cute guys?" Um ok talking about boys now, not how I think this would go.

"Nah, not really"

"Oh ok, cool. Anyways I know we are like new friends and stuff but I just wanted to let you know that that guy over there" she points to, Zach? "Is mine!" Yeah I don't think she see me as a friend, more like competition.

"Oh ok cool"

"Yeah I just saw you talking to him and um, I don't know just wanted to let you know"

"Oh ok, so how long have you guys been dating for?"

"Um, like we aren't dating it's just like exclusive hookups" um ok im uncomfortable, I think I'm going to walk away now.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, I'll see you around?"

"Yeah sure, see ya Lola!" Disaster averted. Possibly.

A sweet aroma hits my nose and that's when it hits me, theres pizza. I ran, no I sprited through the crowd and into the kitchen. Food! And so much of it not necessarily good food but food none the less. There's pretzels, jelly beans, chips, fruits, vegetable platter, cheetos, ok so not good food but at least there's fruits. I grab a plate with 2 slices of pizza, this is my dinner. I pile some celery, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, and some blackberries. I'll be back for the pretzels.

I find a spot on a lounge chair, beside the big couch and infront is a tv with a hockey game on it. I make my spot, bringing my knees to my chest and perfectly holding my paper plate in my hands and continue my people watching.

"Damm girl and I think I got alot" some guy says, I look up, averting my eyes from the crowd. He's a tall, guy, blond fluffy hair with brown eyes and a black shirt hugging his muscles, hot none the less. "Thanks?"

"Oh I just realised how mean that sounded, I just meant that like not alot of people eat at these parties, mostly fuck. So since I grabbed a slice of pizza I thought I ate the most, you know?" He was visibly shaking, probably worried about what I was going to do since he practically said I ate alot, poor guy looked like he was about to faint

"It's fine, I realized what you meant" I chuckled, no I full out laughed but he looked confused, a thing about me is that I laugh at everything, practically anything. "I'm Lola" I say sticking my hand out for a handshake, is that what people do at these things?

"Oh Luke's sister? Nice to meet you, Asher" he said shaking my hand, visibly confused why I wanted a handshake, so people don't do these things, ok cool...

"Sorry I don't know how else to greet people"

"Nah don't sweat it, at least you greet people some girls just kiss me" I laughed but he looked at me, dead serious. I don't think he was joking. I ate my celery on the awkwardness.

"So, um do you play with my brother?" I ask finally breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I'm one of his teammates"

"Oh that's so cool, how bad is he" i ask jokingly, he laughed, at one of my jokes, I made someone laugh, hell yeah

"Nah your brother's good, one of the best, almost better than that captain I would argue"

"Oh who's the captain?"

"Um I don't think you'd know him, well maybe he's got a bit of a reputation. Zach McClain?" He's the captain? Than he must be, really good

"Oh yeah I've had some encounters. Why is he so cold?"

"Cold? That's an understatement" I giggle know that it's true

"I don't know he's just like that. You laugh alot you know that?" I laugh again

"Yeah, it's a bad habit"

"Nah I think it's great actually-" before he could say anything someone yelled "FIGHT"

"Hey listen, nice to meet you Chucklehead, i gotta go check out this fight. See you around!" He turns and runs away. Chucklehead I kind of like that nickname.

It was only me in that empty house eating my pizza, everyone else was out on the lawn seeing who was fighting. Naturally I got curious and went to see what all the fuss was about.

My brother. My brother. Beating some guy up. My brother is a happy go lucky kid, always has a kid like personality and always complaining, not good if he wants to run Zhang enterprises one day.

"Talk about her again and I'll beat your ass even more" Luke yells as two guys have to pull him off of... Jackson? Weird.

Y'all sorry it's so boring but the next chapter will be good, I promise!

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