2-21: Knocked Around

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Leviathan's laughter echoed through the sulfurous air. "Ah, Jamari," he hissed, "a mere mortal with delusions of grandeur. What pitiful ambition drives you to invade my realm?"

Jamari squared his shoulders, defiance etched into every line of his face. "I fight for my sister," he declared. "And To prevent your kind from spilling chaos upon our world."

The demon circled him, claws scraping against the rocky ground. "Chaos?" Leviathan's voice dripped with disdain. "You humans romanticize it. But chaos is the heartbeat of existence, the primal force that shapes galaxies and tears them apart."

Jamari's grip tightened on his sword. "We seek order, not annihilation."

Leviathan lunged, faster than the eye could follow. His talons raked across Jamari's chest, leaving searing trails of pain.

The warrior staggered, blood staining his armor. "Order?" Leviathan sneered. "Your cities teem with corruption, your leaders with greed. You wage wars over borders and resources. Earth is a cesspool of hypocrisy." He backhands Jamari into a wall hard

Jamari gritted his teeth, refusing to fall. "We strive for better," he gasped. "We learn, evolve." He stands

The demon's laughter was a tempest. "And what have you learned? That power corrupts? That your fragile alliances crumble like sand? Your Earth is ripe for harvest, Jamari. Death and destruction, the truest forms of renewal." He uses telekinesis to slam Jamari back and forth against the walls

He then throws Jamari into a wall, Jamari slowly stands but Leviathan's tail swept low, tripping Jamari.

The warrior crashed to the ground, stars dancing before his eyes. "You see," the demon murmured, "I am not the enemy. I am the cosmic gardener, pruning the overgrown branches of existence." He picks up Jamari and throws him against a wall

Jamari's vision blurred, but he forced himself to rise. "We won't surrender," he spat. "Not to you or any other malevolent force."

Leviathan's eyes flared. "Then witness your world's demise." He raised a clawed hand, summoning a vortex of black energy. It swirled, hungry and insatiable.

But Jamari, battered and bleeding, found strength in defiance. He lunged, sword aimed at the demon's heart. "Earth will endure," he vowed.

Leviathan caught the blade, eyes narrowing. "Foolish mortal," he whispered. "Your defiance is admirable."

With a flick of his wrist, the demon sent Jamari sprawling into a large orb, Leviathan leaned close, breath hot against Jamari's ear. "Remember this," he murmured. "Chaos is inevitable. Destruction is the cosmic dance. Your world will burn, and I shall reap the ashes."

Jamari coughs as he's picked up and slowly crushed to death, "Thank you..." Jamari says

"For what?" Leviathan asks

"Being stupid enough to throw me into Z's containment orb." Jamari responds smirking

Leviathans eyes widen, he looks to the orb that formerly held the spirit of vengeance, he then looked to Jamari who is smirking.

"MASK!" Jamari shouts

Fire engulfs him.


The rider easily escapes the beasts grip and then kicks him hard in the jaw, the ghost rider still sporting red flames releases his chains.

They circled each other, the air crackling with tension. Ghost Rider's chains lashed out, seeking purchase on the demon's hide. But Leviathan was swift, dodging with unnatural grace.

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