1-5: Evil Has Risen

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Two headlights appear in the darkness, backlighting the rain that pours down on a lonely strip of highway.

A station wagon HISSES along the wet road surface.


The back seat is separated from the front by a wire-mesh screen, much like a police car. MARION, 30, drives.

She is dressed in a crisp, white nurse's uniform. Next to her in the passenger seat is SAM LOOMIS, a clinical psychiatrist.

He is a tough-looking man in his forties who flips through pages in a manila folder, "...then he gets another physical by the state, and he makes his appearance before the judge. That should take four hours if we're lucky, then we're on our way."

"What did you use before?" The Nurse asks

"Thorazine." The Soon To Be Crazed Doctor responds

"He'll barely be able to sit up." Marion adds

"That's the idea. Here we are." Loomis responds

POV THROUGH WINDSHIELD -- SANITARIUM Through the rain we see a large sign:


Behind the sign is the sanitarium itself, a cold-looking building surrounded by a fence.


Loomis speaks Continuing, "The driveway's a few hundred yards up on your right."

"Are there any special instructions?" The Nurse asks

"Just try to understand what we're dealing with here. Don't underestimate it." The Doctor advises

"I think we should refer to 'it' as 'him.'" Marion says

"If you say so." Loomis says

"Your compassion is overwhelming." She jokes

Doctor. Loomis glances at Marion as she lights a cigarette. She shoves the matches into the pack and tosses it on the dashboard.

Loomis stares at the cigarette pack. The pack of matches reads: "The Rabbit in Red Lounge -- Entertainment Nightly."

Loomis turns his eyes back to the rain-slicked road, "Ever done anything like this before?" The doctor asks

"Only minimum security." She responds

"I see." He responds

Marion speaks defensively, "What does that mean?"

"It means... I see." The doctor responds

"You don't have to make this any harder than it already is." The nurse responds

"I couldn't if I tried." He responds

"The only thing that ever bothers me is their gibberish. When they start raving on and on..." She says

"You don't have anything to worry about. He hasn't spoken a word in 15 years." Loomis responds

Both of them suddenly stare out the windshield in front of them. POV THROUGH WINDSHIELD -- FIELD Through the rain we see a field off to the side of the road.

Dimly lit by the car headlights are FIVE PATIENTS, dressed in wind-blown white gowns, drenched by the rain, wandering aimlessly around the field.


"Since when do they let them wander around?" She responds

They look up ahead. POV THROUGH WINDSHIELD -- PATIENT Standing by the side of the road is a MALE PATIENT, a wild- looking man in his sixties dressed in a white gown, who stares at the station wagon.


Marion slows the station wagon and pulls off to the side of the road. Loomis jumps out.

POV THROUGH WINDSHIELD -- LOOMIS AND PATIENT Through the windshield we see Loomis rush over to the patient, stand and talk for a moment, then hurry back.


Loomis climbs back in, dripping from the rain, "Pull up to the entrance!" He orders

"Shouldn't we pick him up?" She asks

"Move it!" Loomis shouts

Marion starts down the road, "What did he say?" She asks

"He asked me if I could help him find his purple lawn mower." He responds

"I don't think this is any time to be funny..." she responds

"He said something else. "It's all right now. He's gone. The evil's gone."" Loomis recites

POV THROUGH WINDSHIELD -- SANITARIUM DRIVE Ahead of them is the entrance to the sanitarium.


Marion slows down to turn. Through the rear window we see a SHAPE spring up out of the darkness, streak through the rain and leap up on the rear of the station wagon.

The station wagon bounces up and down. The roof sags in and out with the weight of someone on top.

"Something fell on the roof." She calls out

The roof continues to buckle in and out wildly, "Something jumped on the roof..." Loomis adds

Marion stops and rolls down her window to look outside. Loomis opens his door and steps out.

Suddenly he is hit in the face by a powerful fist from the roof. Loomis staggers backwards and falls by the side of the road.

Marion starts to react. Suddenly a hand reaches in through the window and lunges at her. The fingers grab her hair.

She Screams. The fingers tighten around her hair and the hand pulls Marion roughly to the window.

Twisted around in the seat, Marion's foot jams down all the way on the gas pedal. The station wagon Roars forward.

Marion continues to Scream, clawing at the hand. POV THROUGH WINDSHIELD -- ROAD Through the rain the road spins crazily ahead, the wipers erasing sheets of rain.

Suddenly the other hand reaches down from the roof and grabs the wiper, holding it tightly. Rain splashes on the windshield obscuring the road.


The hand rips at Marion's hair. Screaming. Clawing. POV THROUGH Windshield The windshield is completely obliterated by rain.


The station wagon skids and WHAMS into the shoulder on the Side of the road. Marion is hurled across the seat against the passenger door.

Suddenly the hand springs down from above and SLAMS against the passenger window, shattering it.

SHRIEKING, Marion scurries across the front seat, opens the driver's door and scrambles out.


Marion frantically crawls her way across the rain-drenched road away from the station wagon.

CAMERA TRACKS with her as she slides down into the muddy shoulder. She looks back.

POV -- STATION WAGON From the shoulder we see the station wagon in the rain, and the shape jump in the driver's seat and Slam the door.

Then the station wagon takes off and disappears down the road into the darkness. Angle On Shoulder Loomis runs up out of the rain and helps Marion to her feet.

She Cries hysterically. Loomis stares off down the road at the disappearing taillights, "You can calm down. The evil's gone." Loomis says

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