short prologue

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My body was slammed right into the wall, my body is throbbing in pain. I couldn't move because of cowardice, I know I have no match for them.

"Hahaha! Ya can't move you little brat? I can do this all day!" The pig said, pleasure can be heard from his voice.

They always likes to made fun of me, they usually come in group to bully students they don't like. Their leader, the one that stepping on my face right now is their leader. He's a fat f**king pig that i dislikes the most, though I can't fought back.

I just lay there and leaning in front of the toilet door. They commonly beat up students like me in the bathroom.

"Hahaha!" I couldn't helped but to stay still on the floor doing nothing, as they laugh at me.

They're just...


A student came in and they stop right after, and then they finally left.

The boy that came, quickly kneel in front of me to check if I'm okay.

But, I'm not okay...

I'm all beat up.

After school, I went back home and played some of my favorite MMORPG games. That's the only thing I spend my time the most. After all... Since I got into highschool, those bullies started to do their own thing, and I became depressed, I stop studying real hard, and drown myself into snacks and games...

"I wish I could be those MC in anime and comics, if i were, my life would be at ease." I muttered to myself.




I feel dizzy...

Ugh, my head hurts...

I... I feel like I'm about to pass out...

Slowly and slowly, my vision turned black, I can't see anything at all. Then I heard a loud thud, I think fell.

It seems like I'm dead.


Is this really happening?


At least I'm out of that cruel world...

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