There's gold in them/their hills!

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The next morning in the pre-dawn light saw the four Titans standing outside the Main Camera Base and checking themselves over. TV had had words with his engineers about his jet pack and they had had further words with Alice and the Computer Engineers. Overnight Alice had taken one of Blue's old jet packs and completely revamped it for TV's use, making it better for long range flight just in time for this journey. TV was now waiting for Alice and her team to be ready to swap out his current one for this new one and then the four would be off on an adventure. All four factions knowing what the Titan's would be doing today had all started getting logistical things ready for a potential new base, depending on what the Titan's found. Getting some heavy machinery together to tap the geothermal energy which was abundant in the region the Titan's were flying to, readying up new generators, batteries, a new mainframe. All the things needed to start it all off. The comms system hadn't stopped much at all, only for a brief time while everyone was on a recharge cycle. Finally Alice and her team were ready and ushered TV into Vex's warehouse, swapping out the jet packs and making sure it was a good fit for TV.

When TV emerged, the four looked at each other and set off one by one into the air, flying west passing mountain ranges, plains, rivers, lakes, the works. All of them quite happily chatting on a private four way comms, leaving the global comms open for the base back home to contact them if needed. As they got closer to Nevada, the three males could tell Vex was getting excited about something and let her lead on as she diverted from her original heading slightly. Going past a place where the ground just dropped into a large canyon, Vex was calling it the Grand Canyon and the three males were suitably impressed at its size. Then further west, Vex lands on a huge dam, looking around with interest.

"This isn't where I was taking us, I just wanted to see it while we're here, we may be able to use this place for extra power if we need to, it's what it was built for."

"So what's this place called then?" TV looked around with interest as well.

"Hoover Dam, humans used to come here for sightseeing too. One of the things most humans came here for was for the state line that runs through here, you can place one foot in Nevada and the other in Arizona, which will also put you in different time zones. A lot of humans went nuts for that sort of thing. Next place we're stopping at briefly is one Red'll like, let's jet..."

Making their way slightly north west, they see a lot of different buildings sprout up along the horizon. Seeing an abandoned outdoor concert venue, Vex landed again. Big Red was very interested in this place, looking at all the different equipment that had been left behind as well as looking at the stage area and the seating, he thrummed happily.

"The whole town here is Las Vegas. Used to be a very popular place for gambling as well as concerts. There's a lot of music venues that may even have music we don't have so it might be good to mark this on your internal maps to come and visit at some point Big Red."

"It's starting to get hotter here." Blue was looking around.

"Desert's all round now hon, wait un til we get closer to Death Valley, that's our next stop for you guys to mark down a site we'll need to investigate via the elites."

"Well, I've marked co-ordinates here, lets get going." Big Red rumbled.

Flying off yet again in a north westerly direction they come across the entrance to the site that was known by humans as Area 51.

"So, what's so special about this place?" TV just stares at the military signage outside of this area, the US air force to be precise.

"Well, the US government always maintained that Area 51 was nothing more than a weapons development facility by the US Air Force. Everyone else thought they had aliens in there, or extremely experimental tech in there. Either way, it would be a good place to send in the Elites with the Twins to brute force the systems, see what was really going on in there. We may even find a clue about the Skibidi virus in there."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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