Blue is a Dad?

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Halfway through the third day when Big Red's frame was nearly complete, Vex had started feeling faint pains deep in her hardware. Ignoring it as best she could as they only had some finishing touches to do. Blue, even while he was concentrating on doing the little jobs handed off to him to do like making sure each and every part of his best friend was gleaming, could feel something was off with Vex and he decided to get up to talk to Alice quietly who was up on one of the gantries near Big Red's frame. Bringing up some data on her arm she bolts upright and looks around frantically at Vex.

"Blue, at top speed, how quickly can you get Vex back to our base?"

"We went top speed to get here, just over two hours. What's going on Alice?"

"Her Elites....They're coming."

"I thought you'd said it would take a week? It's not been a week yet."

"The new RAM... it's made everything faster. We shouldn't have let her come. She needs somewhere private for this, too many units in here."

"Give me a few minutes with Harman. He knows this area, this is the first time I've been to Big Red's base so I don't know much about the location. Just relax, we'll get something sorted Alice. How long have we got?"

"An hour at the most with these readings."

"Relax, let me go have a quiet word. When you say private..."

"Just me and you at most, I can keep an eye on her systems and you can help her through it, if you're willing."

"Should know me better than that by now Alice, I'd do anything for Vex. Sit tight a few"

Blue then wandered over to Harman who was on the ground directing a few units to do some other jobs. Reaching down for him to step on his palm, Blue then brought him up to his lens. Discussing the issue with him and the need for some private space for the two Titan's Harman pointed out an old warehouse down the road a little that they weren't currently using and was empty. Blue nodding and putting Harman back down on the ground he went back to Alice and they came up with a rough plan for when Vex needed it, they both just needed to keep an eye on her for now. Half hour later, feeling the sharper pains through their link, Blue just looked at Alice as he scooped her up and put her on his shoulder then proceeded to sweep Vex off her feet and strode off out of Big Red's hangar and towards the warehouse Harman had pointed out.

"Blue, what are you doing? We need to finish things for Big Red!"

"Not just now we can't. It will have to wait. I know you're in pain and Alice here knows why. Right now you need help, Red's got a ton of units sorting his frame out, you need some help from me and Alice. Don't tell me you're fine either, I can feel that you're not." Ducking into the warehouse Blue sits down on the floor still holding Vex in his arms against his chest. Watching Alice drop from Blue's shoulder to Vex's chest then disappearing into Vex's core.

"What the fuck is going on Blue? Alice is obviously not in the mood to talk!"

"You really don't know?"

"I've just pulled something, there's nothing wrong with me."

"Alice told me the new RAM has made it so your Elites are ready to come out now. I just don't understand why it's painful for you though but this is why I'm here. You tell me what you want me to do for you." Trying to nuzzle Vex gently, Blue thanked his lucky stars that she had retracted her headpiece today. Hearing a knocking come from Vex's midsection, Blue tapped back. A short while after that, Alice merged from Vex's core.

"Whereabouts was that knocking coming from? Need to make sure it's where I think it is." As Alice watches Blue puts his finger where he had tapped. "Oh for crying out loud. Mistress, this isn't good news for you I'm afraid."

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