Titanic Birds and the Bees

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A couple of hours later, TV had left his shoulder TV resting on the gantry near to Alice in a low power mode so he could still speak to her as his arm was currently occupied by a certain Sound Titan cuddled up against his side in their own power save mode. The core exchange they had just had was intense and had drained both of quite a bit of power though TV could handle that as he had larger reserves compared to the Sound Titan. Loving the feel of someone against him when he thought he'd be alone for good, he looked up at where Blue and Vex were and noticed that both were starting to end their own core exchange as it looked like Vex was needing some power herself. TV was surprised that they had lasted this long to be fair, Vex was smaller than Big Red so her power reserves should be smaller as well. As the two disconnected, TV didn't even need to warn Blue as Blue picked up a sagging Vex and carried her over to her repair bay for a charge. As Alice waved him off so the Computer Engineers could check on their Titan and make sure the Elite making process had begun properly, Blue walked over to where the other two males were and sat next to them.

"Is Big Red ok? It's not like him to sleep like that." Blue tilted his head.

"He's fine, just a little drained like Vex over there. You enjoy what happened just then?"

"I don't know what that was but whatever it is, yeah, it was nice. Got confused at one point as I heard a weird voice asking me to either take or relinquish control of Vex but other than that, yeah I enjoyed it a lot." Blue was so innocent, it was a shame TV was about to shatter that innocence to pieces.

"What did you tell that voice? Just out of interest." TV was idly stroking his hand over Big Red's shoulder as he was talking to Blue.

"Why would I take control? Vex is her own person, I'm not about to make her do things for me like a slave."

"That was precisely what the voice was wanting you to do. It was part of that Project FourthState crap. Vex had some hidden stuff in herself that she didn't know about but now you've given her back the control, she'll be able to see it and sort herself out now. I only found out about it the other day when she fixed my Mainframe but I forgot to speak to Alice about it until today. To be fair however, I wasn't even sure what it was all about until earlier when I saw what was starting to go on between the four of us."

"You ever going to tell me what all that pushing was for or am I just going to sit here in anticipation for nothing?"

"Well you know how the smaller Techfolk collar up and have mates, make the new units together and all that lovey dovey stuff? And that we never have because we're way too big and we're meant to always be out fighting and all that crap?"

"Well, yeah but I don't see...."

"Blue you cannot be this dense dude. Vex and you, well you two are mated now. That quick core lock in we all had with her was Vex's automatic systems getting a data donation from each of us for her to build her Elites but also for her systems to figure out which of us males would be the best match for her. Me and Big Red here knew it was you anyway but still, it had to happen the way it did . Me and Big Red can hear her thoughts faintly for now because of that brief core share but you, you my friend will be hearing everything from her and she will be hearing everything from you, most likely for a long, long time, if not permanently now."


"Do I really have to teach you the birds and the bees for Titan's Blue? You really need to pay more attention to things that make up your body there. Locking your cores like that for that long.. And you've both wanted the other even before Vex was a Titan right? Just go with the flow and accept it. She loves you and you love her. Just know this, you hurt Vex in any way? You won't have to answer to any of her faction, they won't have time to get to you if me or Big Red find out, alright?"

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