Revelations and Party Time

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TV was starting to get confused. Vex had said something about checking his base Mainframe then his own Titan one for some sort of data but his engineers were resisting, hard. Why they were he had no idea. They'd been pissed when he'd come back with the internal upgrades that Vex's lot had given him as well. It was like they didn't appreciate the fact he was getting help from elsewhere. Damn fool that his Chief Engineer was, he didn't work well with the other factions and it showed, maybe he should insist on the guys retirement and get someone new that was a little more progressive with the times.

One thing he did have over the other two male Titan's was that he was given more information than they were about their capabilities, what different things did in their Titan bodies, things like that. The other two were content to just let their Chief Engineers handle all of their needs, TV liked to have a little more control however. Even he knew that something was off in the TV Mainframe but his guys insisted there wasn't, so late one night he teleported over to Vex and brought her back so she could have a look while no-one was around other than him. Watching as she plugged herself in, even he could see why the Camera Titan was so enamoured with her.

"Tell me something Vex, which one's of your lot are your Elites? Like I have with Crystal and Polycephaly, Blue with Piston and Anzio, Big Red with Darq and Shade. I know that Alice is your Chief Engineer but I'm still trying to figure out who's who with the rest."

"You know what, I don't think I have any right now. You guys made your elites after you came online right? How'd you guys do it?"

"You can take that knowledge when you have a look into my mainframe, I'm guessing you need to get into my personal one straight after being in the base's one here. With me however, I was slightly different to the other two. I figured having a large as well as a small Elite would be better to have than just two smalls but I kinda wish I'd been able to make at least another normal type of large unit, Polycephaly's been, how I can put this..."

"Lonely? Wanting someone to love? Been an asshole, population of one?"

"I was going to say difficult. The other large's in the other factions are still smaller than he is and he's not had anybody that can spar with him or anything of the sort. I do think he's lonely, now that you've said it." As TV says this, Vex starts laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Wait until he meets the Twins. If he thinks he can get away without sparring with those two? He's got another thing coming."

"Twins? I don't think I saw them when we first met."

"You would've seen the normal large units I have but the Twins aren't normal nor are they Elites. They're a sort of hybrid mix and have a few similar abilities to me. They'd been created by the humans before as an experiment but got deactivated and assigned to the Project for my faction. Like I said, I don't have Elites just yet but you could probably class those two as special units at the least. They look a lot like I do, roughly Polycephaly's height, but instead of a headpiece like m ine they have some smaller cables coming from their head as well as the larger ones from their back like me. They don't put faces up on their screens much, however if they do then whatever face they have up is deliberate and meant to be there. If you guys ever need to brute force a system in one of the Skibidi Base's and I can't fit? The Twins would be ideal to do the job."

"We'll have to come up with a way for me and Polycephaly to just happen along and meet them at some point soon then. You got me interested now in what they'd do to him."

"Hope you'd be ready for a battle then, the Twins might even want to challenge you if Polycephaly isn't enough for them." As TV starts laughing at this, he notices that Vex isn't laughing and is in fact being serious.

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