Run Run as fast as you can!

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"shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto started off strong as his clones surround the trio who seemed to be unfazed by the multitude of naruto's, Boruto gives himawari a look and they both nod as he whispers just enough for her to hear " remember our training... " " right. " himawari nods before activating her byakugan, a gasp escapes the three adults though they quickly rolled off their surprise as hinata actives hers

" nii-chan up! Down! Right, left! Down! Center, behind you! " Boruto followed all of himawari's instructions fighting off every clone heading their way while sarada stood there activating her sharingan holding her ground as a couple clones head twords her way, she back heads a few, kicking one in the guts, she then bounces off two of them and kicked another smack in the face watching them all vanish one by one, himawari Primarily is on defense guiding her brother and shooting her own attacks when needed, a clone takes Boruto by surprise from behind by himawari was quick enough to dispeal it

" YEA HIMAWARI!! Looks like we're gonna win this! " Boruto let's our a victory shout pumping his fist into the air landing a front punch to one clone and a back kick to another, now it was Hinata's turn, she rushes towards the children only to be stopped by himawari, though clearly hinata is a lot stronger, so himawari decides to stick to the defense in hopes of wasting her time as hinata continues to aim for the girls chakara points only to get blocked every time until she Successfully with enough force pushed the girl flying into the ground. Though that didn't stop himawari, she simply got up, her blue eyes fillied with determination similar to someone else she knows as she actives her byakugan once again charging towards hinata.

Sakura has a stare down with sarada until she charged her arms up and slams it into the ground breaking the ground into pieces. Only to be pushed back by sarada who copies her same moved this time sarada jumps into the air kicking rocks as they fly towards Sakura. Sakura simply jumps over them with ease aiming to punch a tree behind the girl, sarada dodges and is met with Naruto right under her attempting to grab her.
" Chidori" electric blue surrounds her hands as she aims towards Naruto, but he's quicker, he dodges the attack before she returns with another her legs rising to the sky as she tries to land a kick onto naruto's chest, Sakura runs back in aiming for the girl only to be blocked by Boruto's kunai.

Boruto attempts to throw a few jabs at Sakura as she dodges with easy, she sides up for a punch til sarada appears in front of him with a punch of her own, himawari still fending off hinata until Sakura creates a earthquake like punch to the ground shaking everyone off balance. Naruto taking advantage of the situation kicks Boruto right in the chest lundging him into a tree. The blonde boy takes a minute to processes what happened before dodging another one of naruto's attacks.

" jeez I thought he was gonna kill me! "
" nii-chan we can't fight them all we can do is dodge"
" I suggest we make a new plan and quick"
" tch"

Boruto looks into Naruot's eyes once more as himawari rushes to his side

" looks like it's over kids, c'mon let us take you all home now."

Little did he know Boruto had one more trick up his sleeve, though he knew it wasn't as grand as his fathers, it would do the trick for now. He whispers under his breath never breaking his starting contest with his younger father
" Ransengan.

A ball of light forms in the kids hand, the three older trio now has a dumbfounded look on their face until Naruto snaps of our is grabbing he two young women forcing them to duck down " WATCH OUT! " he brings them close shielding then from the debris of the attack as the ball of light passes then into a tree, it wasnt much damage but not something they wanted to get hit by that's for sure. By the time they looked up the kids were gone, now bouncing from tree to tree, himawari's laugh fills the air as she claps her hands together " this is fun! " she jumps in the hair holding her skirt down with a odd mix of a gentle yet energetic smile, Boruto flinging in the air resembling a energetic monkey spreading his arms and legs out, a confident smirk showing itself on his face as they sing in union

" run run as fast as you can! You can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man!! "

Sarada giggles at their taunts turning her head over her shoulders to stick her tounge out at the bewildered older trio, and off the kids went hoping they can outrun the adults, though they were mistaken, this only fired Naruto up even more as he summounded more clones, feeling naruto's excitement the two young women followed pursuit, eyes never peering away from the children in front of them, they had to catch them.

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