come on everyone,Vamonos,let's go!

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" onii-chan.. Isn't that-"
" shh!"

Himawari stood behind her brother clinging on to his arm , the branches of the green light bushes prickle against them but they remain as still and silent as possible.

" no way, it can't be"
Their blue eyes glazing off to the distance with awe as they watch, blonde hair dancing with the wind. His movements swift and sharp even though it was only him in the momment, determination fillied his blue eyes that was all to similar to theirs

" papa..? " " dad? " they claimed at the same time, unfortunately for them they were a little to Mezmoreied. Himawari unknowingly leaned closer trying to fathom how this some how wasn't a dream, but in the process Boruto tilted along with her RussellIng the bushes ever so lighty but enough to give them away. There was a pause that haunted the air and in the blink of an eye a fist heads straight towards them. Ready to meet their demise Boruto held his hands out to cover himawari as she stood beinnd him clinging desperately onto his arms, they shut their eyes as tight as they can getting ready for an Impact that never came.

"... Kids? " naruto's voice covered in confusion as he withdrew his arm, e stared at then for a few seconds resting his hands on his hips as they both slowly opened their eyes, all three a vast ocean blue eyes meet, his with an unknown emotion and theirs with fear and relief, the tension held for a minute before Boruto left out a breath he never knew he was holding as he dropped to the ground.

" jeez! I thought we were gonnaa die. Hima you alright? "
" Mhm I'm alright nii-chan! That was surprising! Sorry I must've given our position away eheh"

Himawari held her hand up scratching the back of her heads letting out a light smile. Boruto simply shook his head as he stood back up again defensively standing in front of his sister although he knew all too well that's she could handle herself if needed, that didn't stop him from always being in big brother mode.

" ah sorry, sorry. Umm mind me asking who you are? How'd you get here? Where are you parents? "

Naruto mimicked himawari's actions putting a hand up and scratching the back of his head with a Notiable similar expression as her's, not that he would ever notice. Now then this wasn't the Naruto they knew, they one had darker clothes on with his head protector wrapped around his head, a orange zipper popped out with the rest of the black, a red band around his arm and the usual orange pants. definitely not the naruto they're use to seeing

" umm actually-"
" don't worry about it! " Boruto cut his sister off as he grabbed her hand marching away " let's go hima we need to find sarada, jeez where did she go? I told her to not let go. "

Attempting a quick escape they sped up their walking to join avail as naruto simply strolled along behind them

" hey.. Stop following us! Go away creep! " Boruto scowled picking up his pace trying to get rid of the pesky man behind them " ehh no way I can't just let two kids wander off alone in the woods, what villiage are you from?"

" oh! We're from ko-" " hima! Don't. Just ignore him we've for bigger things to worry about, and you! We're capable of handling ourselves, leave us a alone why don't cha? "

A gentle smile crept up on himawari's face looking behind her shoulders mouthing a silent apology, oddly resembling someone else he knows though naruto can't quite put his finger on it. " mmm don't wanna. " naruto places his hands behind he head knowing their resistance was going nowhere he chuckled as he continues following them watching this with curiousity, he can't seem to figure out why they look so familiar, maybe he's seen them while on a mission? Though he doesn't put much weight to his thoughts before an explosion interrupts all three of them. Naruto steps in front of the kids ready to take whatever is headed their way, a cloud of smile fills the air, they all hold their breathes getting ready for what's emerging out of the dark clouds.

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