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" Sarada! " himawari ran to the girls side jumping in her arms embracing her in a tight hug, she has some strength for a 11 year old though didn't par with sarada's as she simply squeezed back

"where have you been? I told you not to let go himawari had been worried sick about you, this is why I told you to stay behind an-" before another word could escape his lips Boruto was on his knees clentching his stomach, realizing is mistake in forgetting that she could turn his guts inside out as the dark haired girl stood above him with a dangerous glare her arms crossed in annoyance

" you're annoying. you don't have to be a jerk about it, it wasn't like i deliberately choose to let go"

" nii-chann you okay? " himawari bend down rubbing her bothers back ever so lightly a look of pity and concern falling on her face though she knew this was just the norm between the two friends " nii-chan it feels like you purposely make sarada upset.. " " I DON'T! She's just too serious about everything and you don't need to hit me everytime sarada haven't you ever heard of using.
Your. Words.?"

Another look of annoyance plants on sarada's face before she sighs choosing to move on to another topic. Her eyes scans naruto who watches them in amusement, though every part of her wanted to scream and jump for joy, this was a perfect time to act out her fathers Stoticsim. assisting the situation it seemed to confirm her theory, she gives Boruto and himawari a look and they both nod in conformation

" look, we really need to go, like I said we can handle our selves, we're pretty talented ninjas ya'know? We don't need to be babysit especially not by you.

Boruto spat about before once again taking himawari's's hand, signaling for sarada for follow closely as the trio once again Try to venture off, only to he stopped by Naruto and two other familiar voices

" Naruto-kun! "

" Naruto! There you are we've been looking everywhere for you, you were suppose to be back by now, you weren't slacking off were you.. Huh? " Sakura's sentence trails off as she spots the trio

" Naruto who are they? "
" how cute.. " hinata bends down to the children's level, a comforting smile placed on her face that breaks down bourtos and himawari's defenses, though Boruto too stubborn to give up again tried to reason with the adults as his annoyance be coming very precedent every passing momet

" himawari, Boruto, and sarada I believe they said they names were, I've been tryna help them get home since I can't just leave them here ya know? But hey don't seem to want it, what to do? " Naruto chuckled as he lives his shoulders playfully in defeat though it was clear he wasn't budging, he was going to see these kids get home safely even if he had to force them to.

" listen. We don't need you to baby us, it's embarrassing, like I kept saying we can handle it just let us go already. Boruto sighed places his hands in his pockets glaring up at them as himawari takes hold of her brother's arm once again

" thank you so much for the help! But you don't need to worry we've got suuupper strong parents training us! I promise we can take care of ourselves" she beams our a smile that could make the sun jealous, completely opposite of her brothers demeanor

" we appreciate the offer but I can assure you we will be just fine, please allow us to find our way back home, we need to learn ourselves after all " sarada adjust her glasses clearly nervous but thanks to her dads genes she managed to mask the nervousness.

" what? I don't think so you kids don't know what it's like out there, look I'm sure you guys are strong and all not doubting that but there are others out there who are merciless, who knows what they would do if they managed to get their grubby little hands on you three, just let us take you home I don't see the problem. " Sakura sighed pintching between her eyes and nose in annoyance though she had to admit she didn't want some kids wandering the forest by themselves either.

" Mhm.. Please allow us to escort you three home, we aren't bad people I promise, it would make us feel a lot better knowing, pretty please? "

Of course himawari and Boruto almost. Almost. gave into their mother's pleads but they held strong

" I have an idea! " they heads all turned into Naruto with his index finger in the air and a smirk across his lips " how about we play a game? You guys vs us, if you three can prove to us that you're capable of handling yourselves hy defeating us then I'll believe it and let you go. But if we win then we get to take you home, sounds fair huh? "

The smaller trio stood in silence for a while before hunching in a group circle whispering among themselves before finally determination in their eyes meeting naruto's

" alright let's do it! "

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