Chapter 3

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The sun rays shone through the gaps in the rotten wood of the roof of the barn waking Ellie up from her slumber. The air smelt fresh and the birds echoing to each other outside were peaceful except Ellie felt a pit in her stomach that she hadn't felt for a while now. She decided to shrug it off and went down to the lower level of the barn to start the fire and make some breakfast for Luke and Kayla when they woke up. The bacon was sizzling in the pan when Ellie heard footsteps upstairs, a couple of minutes later Luke came down. "Morning," Ellie said to Luke quietly being careful not to wake up Kayla who hadn't been sleeping very well lately.
"Hey," Luke groggily replied.
"How'd you sleep?" Ellie asked.
"Not great, I just don't feel right about something, I don't know what though" Luke explained.
"I've been feeling the same, thought I was going crazy" Ellie replied.
"What do you think it could be?" Luke thought aloud.

Luke and Ellie looked around and heard engines in the distance getting louder. They looked up to see Kayla upstairs shouting down to them. "Guys it's Hydra they're here, we need to go!"
"Shit, how'd they find us?"Ellie shouted.
"I don't know, but we need to go!" Kayla said jumping from the top floor and running to get a bag.
"Ellie get on the motorbike, I can run and Kayla can fly, let's go!" Luke told Ellie. Ellie sped off away from the incoming shots from the Hydra trucks and Kayla followed closely taking off into the air above Ellie. Luke had sped off further ahead but the Hydra trucks were closing in around the front and back of Ellie and Kayla.

After a couple of minutes of moving away, Hydra was getting closer and Kayla was starting to panic. Luke had returned to Kayla and Ellie and shouted at them "Guys there's some woods a quarter of a mile to the left!"
"Let's go!" Ellie shouted back.

The three got to the entrance of the woods and all began running away from the other assassins that Hydra had released to chase them down. "Guys we should split up"
Ellie said "We can get them off our tracks quicker"
"Fine but we cannot lose each other, okay?" Kayla nervously replied.
" don't worry," Ellie said turning and running to the left.
"I'll go this way!" Luke shouted at Kayla turning right.
"I don't like this" Kayla muttered to herself, taking off into the air once again, still being pursued by three Hydra assassins. After five minutes of trying Kayla managed to turn invisible and shake off the assassins now her only aim was to find Luke and Ellie. But she had to be careful not to get caught.

Kayla had been looking for what felt like hours but had only been 15 minutes, when she saw a flash in the distance and decided her best option was to shout from the top of her lungs. "Luke!" Kayla screamed. In an instant Luke had his arms wrapped tightly around Kayla's waist. Kayla let out a long breath she didn't realise she was holding in and hugged Luke tightly back.

"Have you seen Ellie?" Kayla asked
"" Luke replied looking anxiously towards the ground.
"Okay well we'll just have to keep looking" Kayla reassured Luke. Suddenly shots were being fired towards them. Kayla's instincts took over and she grabbed Luke's arm and turned them invisible.
" I really want to find Ellie but we can't find her if Hydra captures us so let's get out of here," Kayla said to Luke as she grabbed his hand and began to run away.


One month had passed and Luke and Kayla were still searching for Ellie. They had had a few leads now and then but nothing ever came of them. It had been leaked to the rest of the world that three of the most famous assassins had escaped and were on the loose. The Saphire Soldier, Ruby Assassin and Amethyst Assasin were the newest top news headlines in every country. It was becoming very hard for Kayla and Luke to keep undercover whilst they were out searching for Ellie.

"Kayla Kayla look, it's Ellie!" Luke shouted running into the shed they had been camping out in in the woods. "I just ran to the town to get some food when I saw this newspaper and it says Eliie was spotted going into a forest in Wales"
"Wales, how did she end up in Wales!?" Kayla asked excited but confused.
"No idea but we need to go before she moves, think you can fly us both there?" Luke eagerly asked
"I think so, let's go" Kayla rushed Luke outside picking him up under the arms and taking off.

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